Жилет с павлиньим узором
Knitting, Knitting ideas, Coats, cardigans, jackets

Vest with peacock pattern

вязаный жилет

Featuring a peacock pattern and garter stitch trim, this oversized waistcoat with dropped armholes is a versatile piece that will fit into any wardrobe.
This vest goes well with a blouse and dress, as well as with a regular T-shirt or long sleeve.

Dimensions: 36–40 (42–46)


You will need: yarn (90% cotton, 10% polyacrylic; 95 m/50 g) -450 (550) g blue melange; knitting needles No. 5.5.

Pattern 1: elastic band (the number of loops is a multiple of 4 + 2 edge loops).
Front rows: edge, * 1 purl, 2 front, 1 purl, from * constantly repeat, edge.
Purl rows: knit loops according to the pattern.

Pattern 2: garter stitch = knit and purl rows - knit stitches.

Pattern 3: front stitch = front rows - front loops, purl rows - purl loops.

Pattern 4: purl stitch = knit rows - purl loops, purl rows - knit stitches.

Pattern 5: peacock pattern (the number of loops is a multiple of 17 + 1 +2 edge loops).
1st r. = front row: knit all stitches.
2nd r. = purl row: purl all stitches.
3rd row: edge, * 3 x [1 knit, 1 yarn over], 6 x 2 stitches, purl together, 2 x [1 yarn over, 1 yarn over], 1 yarn over, from * constantly repeat, edge.
4th r. = purl row: purl all loops and yarn overs.
Constantly repeat the 1st-4th row.

Knitting density: pattern 5 - 17.5 p. x 22 r. = 10 x 10 cm; pattern 2 - 17.5 p. x 25.5 r. = 10 x 10 cm.

Description of work:

Back: on knitting needles No. 5.5, cast on 90 (106) sts. For the bottom bar, knit 8 cm = 21 r. pattern 1, start with 1 purl row and evenly decrease 2 (1) sts in the last row of the bar = 88 (105) sts. Continue working with pattern 5.

After 32.5 cm = 72 r. From the bottom bar, dial on for sleeves along the right edge 1 x 14 sts and along the left edge 1 x 15 sts = 117 (134) sts.

Distribute the loops as follows: 6 stitches of pattern 2 (including the edge), 1 stitch of pattern 4, 103 (120) stitches of pattern 5, 1 stitch of pattern 4, 6 stitches of pattern 2 (including the edge).

After 59 cm = 130 rub. (63.5 cm = 140 r.) From the bottom bar, knit 2 (0) r. pattern 3 and 4 r. pattern 2. Close off the loops like knit stitches.

Left shelf: on knitting needles No. 5.5, cast on 48 (56) sts and for the bottom bar knit 8 cm = 21 r. pattern 1, while on the right edge finish with 2 purls, 2 knits and 4 stitches of pattern 2 (including the edge). In the last row of the bar, add 1 p. = 49 (57) p.

Then distribute the loops as follows: edge stitch, 43 (51) stitches with pattern 5, while for size 1 finish by knitting 3 x 2 stitches together with purl, 1 stitch with pattern 4, 4 stitches with pattern 2 (including edge stitch) .

After 32.5 cm = 72 r. from the bottom placket, cast on for a one-piece sleeve along the right edge 1 x 14 p. = 63 (71) p. Then distribute the loops as follows: 6 p. of pattern 2 (including the edge), 1 p. of pattern 4, 51 (59) p. pattern 5, 1 p. pattern 4, 4 p. pattern 2 (including edging).

After 59 cm = 130 rub. (63.5 cm = 140 r.) From the bottom bar, knit 2 (0) r. pattern 3 and continue working with pattern 2.

After 4 r. pattern 2 close along the right edge for the shoulder bevel 1 x 3 p. and in every 2nd p. 17 x 3 p., 1 x 4 p. and 1 x 5 p. (8 x 3 p. and 11 x 4 p.).

Right shelf: on knitting needles No. 5.5, cast on 48 (56) sts and for the bottom bar knit 8 cm = 21 r. pattern 1, and start with 4 stitches of pattern 2 (including the edge), knit 2 and purl 2. In the last row of the bar, add 1 p. = 49 (57) p.

Then distribute the loops as follows: 4 stitches of pattern 2 (including the edge), 1 stitch of pattern 4, 43 (51) stitches of pattern 5, while for size 1 start by knitting 3 x 2 stitches together purlwise and 3 x [1 yarn over,
1 front], edge.

After 32.5 cm = 72 r. From the bottom placket, cast on for a one-piece sleeve along the left edge 1 x 15 sts = 64 (72) sts. Then distribute the loops as follows: 4 sts of pattern 2 (including the edge), 1 st of pattern 4, 52 (60) sts. pattern 5, 1 p. pattern 4, 6 p. pattern 2 (including edging).

After 59 cm = 130 rub. (63.5 cm = 140 r.) From the bottom bar, knit 2 (0) r. pattern 3 and continue working with pattern 2.

After 4 r. pattern 2 close along the left edge for the shoulder bevel 1 x 3 p. and in every 2nd p. 17 x 3 p. and 2 x 5 p. (7x3 p. and 12x4 p.).

Assembly: sew shoulder seams/sleeve seams, while in the middle of the back, place shelf strips made in pattern 2, right to left, and sew. Sew side seams and sleeve seams.

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