The pullover is designed for summer, for cool days and evening walks.
Since it has clear transverse stripes, this model from the DROPS Design studio is intended for thin or slender women who are not afraid to appear plump, but the sizes are indicated in the maximum set (SML-XL-XXL-XXXL).
Transverse stripes, blue on white, somewhat break the monotony, emphasize and shade the delicate pattern and make the model as a whole more interesting.

— DROPS COTTON LIGHT (50 г/105 м), пряжа из хлопка (50%) и полиэстера (50%):
= white 9-10-11-12-13-14 skeins,
= blue 2-2-3-3-3-3 skeins;
— спицы диам. 4 мм и 4,5, круговые и чулочные.

Knitting density: 28 rub. and 21 stitches = 10x10 cm of fabric.
Description of work: We knit the back and front at the same time (the main part) in a circle.
Decrease loops, indicated in the pattern diagrams:
1. 5 knit stitches: knit 5 knit stitches. drag the last stitch over the penultimate one; repeat this pattern 3 more times and go to 1 p. instead of 5, i.e., cut 4 p.
2. 5 vm.faces. crossed: knit 5 stitches, move them to the left knitting needle; drag the last stitch over the penultimate one; repeat this pattern 3 more times, i.e., cut 4 pt.
Adding loops:
3. Knit up to the point preceding the marker; make 1 yarn over; 1 person; marker, 1 person, 1 yarn over. Subsequently, the yarn over is replaced by persons. crossed.

Main detail of the pullover:
On 4 mm circular needles, using white thread, cast on 273-315-336-378-399-462 sts.
Knit 2 rounds in garter stitch.
Next we work with 4.5 mm knitting needles:
A.1 (21 p.); it should be repeated 13-15-16-18-19-22 times, after which there will be 221-255-272-306-323-374 sts on the needles.
A.2 on all points, perform vertical rapport A.2 2-2-2-3-3-3 times.
A.3. We will have 195-225-240-270-285-330 sts. In the last round you need to perform a uniform increase (or decrease), depending on what size you are knitting:
— для S и XXL выполняется прибавление 4 п.;
— для M-L-XL-XXXL выполняется убавление 2-5-5-5 п.

We move on to A.4, and in the current row we perform horizontal rapport 33-37-39-44-48-54 times.
For A.4 we perform 3-3-3-3-4-4 vertical repeats.
Then we make 1 vertical repeat of pattern A.5 along all points.
At the same time, in the last row A.5 we decrease 3-3-1-1-3-5 p. evenly = 196-220-234-264-286-320 p.
Track. round: 4-10-6-6-4-5 stitches in stockinette stitch; 6-6-7-8-9-10 times according to A.6; knit stitch 8-20-12-12-8-10 stitches; 6-6-7-8-9-10 times according to A.6; Knit stitch 4-10-6-6-4-5 sts = 220-244-262-296-322-360 sts.
Next we knit according to A.2 according to pattern A.6 and purl. on the loops of the front surface.
We repeat vertical rapport A.2 5-5-6-5-5-6 times.
At the same time, close the stitches for the armholes, reaching a part height of 44-45-46-47-48-49 cm: close the first 2-3-1-2-2-2 stitches in the row; knit 2-7-5-4-2-3 knits; according to A.2 6-6-7-8-9-10 times; Knit stitch 2-7-5-4-2-3 sts; close the next 4-6-2-4-4-4 p.; we finish according to the drawing; 2-3-1-2-2-2 last stitches are closed.
We cut off the thread.
We knit 106-116-127-144-157-176 sts according to A.2 5-5-6-5-5-6 with vertical repeat.
We make 1 vertical repeat according to A.3 = 94-104-115-128-139-156 p.
Track. row: knit stitch 2-1-5-1-2-3 sts; 6-7-7-9-9-11 horizontal repeat according to A.4; knit stitch 18-18-21-18-27-18 sts; 6-7-7-9-9-11 horizontal repeat according to A.13; Knit stitch 2-1-5-1-2-3 sts.
After the first 4 rows, move the middle 12-12-13-14-15-16 stitches to the additional rows. knitting needle (neckline).
Now we finish the shoulders separately.
Для горловины, линии выреза, закрываем с каждого бока: — 1 раз по 3 п.; — 2 раза по 2 п.; — 4-4-5-4-5-4 раза по 1 п. = 30-35-39-46-50-59 п.

When 1 vertical repeat according to the patterns is completed, knit with white thread as needed.
After this, we knit 2 rows in garter stitch and close all stitches.
The backrest should have a height of 59-61-63-65-67-69 cm.<
Before We knit the pullover in the same way as the back.

Sleeves: We knit with knitting needles with a diameter of 4 mm.
With white thread we cast on 63-63-63-69-69-69 sts.
We knit 2 rounds in garter stitch.
Switch to 4.5 mm knitting needles and place a marker; the beginning of the circular row.
We further work according to A.15, then according to A.16 = 45-45-45-51-51-51 p.
Дальше вяжем: — 2 лиц.п; 7-7-7-8-8-8 раз по А.13; 1 лиц.п.
At the same time, add 1 stitch on both sides of the marker at a sleeve height of 12-10-10-10-10-10 cm.
We repeat such additions another 10-12-14-13-16-18 times, after every 3-3-2-2-2-1 cm = 67-71-75-79-85-89 sts.

When pattern A.13 is completed completely, we switch to stockinette stitch and knit with white thread to a sleeve height of 51-49-48-46-44-42 cm.
We close the loops.
Sew the shoulders, sew in the sleeves.
We use white thread on 4 mm knitting needles along the neckline for 100-120 stitches, and knit 2 circles in garter stitch.
We close all items.
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My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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