Summer top made of cotton yarn with a round yoke. I would like to draw your attention to the pattern of the lower half of the top. You've probably seen a similar pattern, but in a vertical direction.
The presented top is also knitted from the bottom up, but the main pattern appears narrower in the horizontal direction. It looks no worse, even, in my opinion, more interesting.
Description presented at size: 44 — 46

For knitting you will need: пряжа (100% хлопок, 125 м / 50 г) — 400 г, спицы № 3 и № 3,5
Facial surface: в лицевых рядах вязать лицевые петли, а в изнаночных ряда — изнаночные петли.
Elastic band 2 x 1 (round rows): knit alternately 2 knits and 1 purl.
Main pattern: knit according to pattern No. 1. The number of loops is a multiple of 10 + 4 + 2 edge loops. Start knitting with edge and loops before repeat, repeat repeat, finish with loops after repeat. Perform 1 time from the 1st to 22nd rows, then constantly repeat from the 3rd to 22nd rows.
Yoke pattern: knit according to pattern No. 2. The pattern shows all the circular rows. Repeat rapport from the 1st to the 4th circular rows.
Cast on 116 stitches on size 3 needles. Knit the first row from the wrong side with purl loops.
Next, continue knitting with the main pattern according to pattern No. 1.

At a height of 32 cm from the beginning of knitting, switch to knitting in stockinette stitch.
At the same time, to form a raglan line, decrease 1 loop on both sides of the knitting.
При этом убавления делать после кромочных петель. Убавления продолжить — * в следующем 2-м ряду — 1 раз по 1 петле, затем в следующем 3-м ряду — 1 раз по 1 петле* — повторить 4 раза. Оставшиеся петли отложить.

Knit as a back.
Using knitting needles No. 3, cast on 84 stitches for each sleeve and knit 1 purl row with purl stitches. Next, continue working with stockinette stitch to a height of 4 cm. Then proceed to design the raglan line in the same way as the back. At a height of 11.5 cm, set aside knitting.
Using circular needles No. 3.5, assemble: front loops + 1st sleeve loops + back loops + 2nd sleeve loops. Thus, there will be 312 loops on the knitting needles. Next, we knit in circular rows according to pattern No. 2.

Knit the first row with facial stitches. At the same time, knit the edge loops as 2 stitches together. Now, the knitted fabric has no seams. There are 308 stitches left on the needles.
Next we will continue the work with the pattern for the yoke. At the same time, in the first row, in the center of each part, cast on an additional 1 loop. There are again 312 loops on the knitting needles.
At a height of 4 cm from the beginning of knitting the yoke, to narrow it, knit purl stitches inside each 2nd strip, 2 stitches together. Then continue knitting straight.
At a height of 8 cm from the beginning of knitting the yoke, knit 2 stitches together purl on the remaining strips of purl stitches. There should be 260 stitches left on the needles.
At a height of 13.5 cm from the beginning of knitting the yoke, perform the 4th row of pattern No. 2. Do not knit yarn overs. At the same time, purl 2 stitches together inside each strip of purl stitches. There should be 156 stitches left on the needles.
Transfer the loops to needles No. 3 and knit the bar with an elastic band to a height of 3 cm. Close the loops according to the pattern.

Assembly and finishing
Complete all seams.
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Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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