Меланжевый костюм
Knitting, Knitting ideas, Dresses, tunics, suits, Sweaters, pullovers, jumpers

Melange suit

вязаный костюм

Modern and fashionable design combines simplicity and comfort.

Такой комплект — символ шика, тепла и комфорта, особенно если использованы натуральные материалы. В нашем случае это мягкая пряжа из шерсти мериноса и хлопка с меланжевым эффектом. Пуловер прямого силуэта с удлиненной линией плеч состоит из полос лицевой глади и резинки. Воротник-стойка является продолжением узора. Тот же самый дизайн повторяется и на юбке: кокетка и нижняя планка выполнены широкой резинкой, основное полотно — лицевой гладью, а края разреза отделаны узкой резинкой.

Melange pullover

вязаный пуловер

Dimensions: 38/40 (42/44) 46/48 (50/52)

You will need: меланжевая пряжа Katia Lagom (47% мериносовой шерсти экстрафайн, 40% хлопка, 13% полиамида; 200 м/50 г) — 7 (7) 8 (8) мотков в светло-коричневых тонах (№ 106); спицы № 4,5.

Elastic band 2: knit alternately knit 2, purl 2

Fantasy pattern: * 11 cm with rib 2, 11 cm in stockinette stitch, from * repeat.

Knitting density: фантазийный узор (спицы №4.5) — 20,5 п. х28 р. = 10 х10 см.

Back: on knitting needles No. 4.5, cast on 118 (126) 138 (146) sts and knit with a fantasy pattern, at the same time at the beginning and end of the 1st row. knit 2 faces.

For shoulder bevels after 50 (51) 52 (53) cm from the initial row, close on both sides at the beginning of the row 2 x 4 p., 8 x 3 p. (2 x 4 p., 9 x 3 p.) 10 x 4 p. ( 10 x 4 p., 1 x 3 p.).

At the same time, after 50 (51) 52 (53) cm from the starting row, continue knitting with rib 2 to the end of the collar.

After 7 cm from the beginning of the shoulder bevels, continue knitting the remaining 54 (56) 58 (60) sts for another 9 cm, then bind off the loops according to the pattern.

Before: knit like a back.

Sleeves: on knitting needles No. 4.5, cast on 74 (78) 82 (86) sts and knit with elastic band 2, while at the beginning and end of the 1st row. knit 2 faces.

After 11 cm from the starting row, continue knitting in stockinette stitch.

For bevels add on both sides in each next 12th r. 6 x 1 p. (in each next 12th r. 6 x 1 p.) in each next 14th r. 6 x 1 p. (in each next 14th p. 6 x 1 p.) = 86 (90) 94 (98) p.

After 46 (47) 48 (49) cm from the initial row, loosely bind off the loops.

Knit the second sleeve like the first.

Assembly: Sew all seams using a mattress stitch.

Sew shoulder and collar seams.

Sew the sleeves into the open armholes, 20.5 (21.5) 22.5 (23.5) cm long, aligning the middle of the sleeve with the shoulder seam.

Sew the sleeve seams.

Sew the side seams, leaving the bottom 11 cm open for cuts.

Lightly steam the finished product.

Melange skirt

вязаная юбка

Dimensions: 38/40 (42/44) 46/48 (50/52)

You will need: меланжевая пряжа Katia Lagom (47% мериносовой шерсти экстрафайн, 40% хлопка, 13% полиамида, 200 м/50 г) — 5 (6) 6 (7) мотков в светло-коричневых тонах (№ 106); эластичная лента для пояса; спицы № 4,5.

Elastic band 1: knit alternately 1 knit, 1 purl

Elastic band 2: knit alternately knit 2, purl 2

Knitting density: лицевая гладь (спицы № 4,5) — 20,5 п. х 28 р. = 10 х 10 см.

Yoke: на спицы № 4,5 набрать 210 (226) 242 (264) п. и вязать резинкой 2, при этом в начале 1-го р. вязать 2 лиц. в конце ряда — 2 лиц. (2 лиц.) 2 лиц. (2 изн.).

Belt: 20 cm from the starting row, evenly decrease 52 sts = 158 (178) 190 (212) sts.

Knit 4 cm in stockinette stitch, then bind off the stitches.

 Bottom of the skirt: on knitting needles No. 4.5, cast on 236 (252) 268 (288) sts and knit as follows: knit the first and last 9 sts, elastic 1 (finishing the skirt opening), knit the remaining 218 (234) 250 (270) sts with an elastic band 2. starting and ending with 2 persons.

 After 7 cm from the initial row, continue to knit the middle loops in stockinette stitch, knit 9 sts on both sides of the fabric with rib 1.

 Note: so that the edges of the cut do not stretch, in every next 10th and 11th r. do not knit 9 stitches, finishing with rib 1 on both sides.

After 54 (55) 56 (57) cm from the initial row, close the loops. Assembly: make all seams with a mattress stitch. Sew the side seam of the yoke.

Drawstring: turn the top 2 cm of the belt to the inside and sew, leaving 3 cm open.

Thread an elastic band 72 (80) 88 (100) cm long into the drawstring.

 Sew the ends of the ribbon, then sew up the open 3 cm.

Fold the bottom of the skirt, placing the left edge overlapping the right edge by 10 cm (= front).

Sew the bottom fabric of the skirt to the yoke so that the right edge of the cut is 10 cm away from the seam of the yoke

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