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Knitting, Knitting ideas, Coats, cardigans, jackets

Fashionable coat with lazy jacquard knitting

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Nowadays, a fashionable coat is not just an element of warm clothing. It has long been an element of a fashionable wardrobe that sets the tone for the entire ensemble of the image. A woman's coat should not only fit well on her figure. It must be such as to emphasize the status of the owner, her taste and sense of style.




Fur stich (collar pattern - elongated loops with knitting needles).

1st row (front side): * next. knit a loop, transfer it to the left knitting needle, bring the thread forward, throw it clockwise around the thumb of the left hand, then take the thread back to the wrong side, knit the knitted loop again from the left knitting needle*
Repeat until the end*
Row 2: purl. loops.
Repeat rows 1 and 2.


Using large knitting needles and thread B, cast on 75 (87) stitches, purl stitches (wrong side)

1st row (knit stitch): 1 loop according to the pattern, then repeat 2-13 loops according to the pattern (rapport) 6 (7) times, 14 and 15 loops of the pattern at the end of the row.
Continue knitting like this until the height is 56 cm from the beginning of the product, ending on the 22nd row of the pattern.

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Back opening
Cast off 3 sts at beg of next 2 rows, then 2 sts at beg of every 4 (8) rows, 1 st in each row 3 times, 55 (59) sts. Knit to an armhole height of 21.5 (24) cm. Close the loops.

Using large knitting needles and thread B, cast on 39 (45) stitches. Knit purl. loops on purl. side 1 row: knit the 1st loop of the pattern, repeat rapport 3 times, finish with loops 2-3 (2-9). Knit like this until the height is 54.5 (57) cm.

Neck and armhole
For size S/M. Remove 1 loop from the neck side to the faces. side, then decrease every 4 rows another 11 times, every 6th row 2 times, at the same time, when the length of the front reaches 56 cm, start decreasing for the armhole, as on the back. When the length of the front reaches the height of the back, bind off the remaining 15 loops.

For size M/L. Close the loops for the armhole, as on the back, at the same time, knitting 1.5 cm, begin decreasing for the neck: 1 loop every 4 rows 12 times, 2 times every 6 rows. When the length of the front reaches the length of the back, bind off 17 loops.

Knit mirror the left front.
1st row (front side): 13 loops of the pattern (loops 7-13), then repeat rows 2-13 repeat 3 times, finish 14-15 loops of the pattern.

Using large knitting needles and yarn B, cast on 40 (42) stitches and purl a row.

Attention: start from row 5 of the diagram. Knit the first and last loops of each with knit stitches - edge loops. Add loops between the edge and the next loop.

Row 5: K1. (edge), knit 13 loops of the pattern (12 and 13 loops), then knit 2-13 loops (rapport) 3 times, knit 2 loops (2nd and 3rd loop), k1. (edge). Continue knitting like this for 11.5 cm.

Then start adding 1 loop 3 times every 12 (10) rows, every 14 (12) rows 4 (5) times - 54 (58) loops. Continue knitting like this until the length is 44.5 cm from the beginning and finish with 22 rows of the pattern.

Sleeve head
Cast off 3 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows, 2 stitches at the beginning of the next 4 (6) rows, then decrease 1 stitch on both sides in each row 7 (5) times, each 4th row 3 (5) times, cast off 2 stitches at the beginning of the next 4 rows. Cast off remaining 12 stitches.

Using small needles and yarn A, cast on 21 stitches. 1 row of purl loops on the wrong side. Change the thread to C and knit 1-2 rows of the pattern for the collar. Continue knitting like this, replacing the thread every 2 rows and knitting according to the same pattern. At the same time, cast on 4 loops at the beginning of the next 10 rows - 61 loops.

Knit these 2 rows. Width approximately 8 cm from the beginning (measured from the center).

Cast off 3 stitches at the beginning of the next 8 rows, 4 stitches at the beginning of the next 4 rows – 21 stitches. With thread A, bind off the loops.

Stretch the parts to the desired size. Sew shoulders, insert sleeves.

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