Мужской джемпер с шалевым воротником
Knitting, Knitting ideas, Sweaters, pullovers, jumpers

Men's jumper with shawl collar

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The eye-catching oversized pattern and ribbed shawl collar give the traditional men's jumper a new twist.



Knitting needles No. 3 and 3.5; 1 auxiliary needle.


24 p. x 31 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with purl stitch on needles No. 3.5.

36 p. = 12 cm, knitted with a fancy pattern on knitting needles No. 3.5.


6 p. cross to the right

Remove 3 stitches for auxiliary stitches. knitting needle at work, knit 3, then 3 stitches with aux. knit the knitting needles.

6 p. cross to the left

Remove 3 stitches for auxiliary stitches. knitting needle before work, knit 3, then 3 stitches with aux. knit the knitting needles.

3 persons and 3 p. cross to the right

Remove 3 stitches for auxiliary stitches. knitting needle at work, knit 3, then 3 stitches with aux. knit the needles purlwise.

3 persons and 3 p. cross left

 Remove 3 stitches for auxiliary stitches. knitting needle before working, purl 3, then 3 stitches with aux. knit the knitting needles.


Knit alternately knit 2, purl 2.

Purl stitch

Fantasy pattern (at 36 p.)

Knit according to the pattern.

In even rows, knit stitches according to pattern. 35th r.: repeat starting from 19th r.

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On knitting needles No. 3, cast on 130 (140:150:160: 172) sts and knit for the bottom bar 7 cm (= 24 r.)

with an elastic band, at the beginning and end of the row, knit 2 purls. (P1: K2: P1: P1).

Switch to needles No. 3.5 and continue knitting with different patterns in the following sequence: 7 (12:17:22:28) stitches in purl stitch, 36 stitches in fancy stitch, 4 stitches in purl stitch, 36 stitches in fancy stitch, 4 p. purl stitch, 36 p. fancy pattern, 7 (12:17: 22:28) p. purl stitch.

After 41 (42:43:43:44) cm = 130 (132:136: 136:138) r. from the initial row, close for the armholes on both sides in each next 2nd row. 1 (1:1:1:2) x 3 p., 2 (2:3:3:4) x 2 p., 3 (4:3:4:3) x 1 p. = 110 (118:126 :134:138) p.


Через 62 (64:66:68:70) см = 196 (202:208: 214:220) р. от начального ряда закрыть для плечевых скосов с обеих сторон в каждом следующем 2-м р. 4 (1:: 🙂 x8 п. — (3:2: 🙂 9 п. — (:2:3:2) x 10 п. — (:1:2) x 11 п.  

Simultaneously with the 1st decrease for the shoulders, close the middle 36 (38:40: 42:44) stitches for the neckline and finish both sides separately.

To round the inner edge, close in every next 2nd row. 1 x 3 p., 1 x 2 p.


Knit like the back, but with a deeper neckline.


After 46 (47:48:49:50) cm = 146 (148:152: 156:158) r. from the initial row, close off the middle 32 stitches for the neckline and finish both sides separately.

 Для скосов горловины закрыть в каждом следующем 4-м р. — (2:3:4) х 1 п., в каждом следующем 6-м р. 7 (8:7:7:7) x 1 п.


Close the shoulder loops as on the back.

вязаный пуловер


On needles No. 3, cast on 66 (66:70:72:74) sts for each sleeve and knit 7 cm (= 24 r.) with an elastic band, but in the last row evenly add 24 (26:24:26:24) sts = 90 (92: 94:96:98) p.

Switch to knitting needles No. 3.5 and continue knitting in different patterns, distributing the loops as follows: 5 (6:7:8:9) stitches in purl stitch, 18 stitches in a fancy pattern from the 19th to 36th stitches of the pattern, 4 stitches in purl stitch, 36 stitches in fancy stitch, 4 stitches in purl stitch, 18 stitches in fancy stitch from 1st to 18th stitch of pattern, 5 (6:7:8:9) stitches in purl stitch.

At the same time, add for bevels on both sides at a distance of 2 stitches from the edge (knit the added loops with purl stitch) in each next 18th row.

6 (-:—:-) x 1 п., в каждом следующем 14-м р. — (8:3: 🙂 x 1 п., в каждом следующем 12-м р. (-:6: 🙂 х 1 п., в каждом следующем 10-м р. — (—:10:3) x 1 п., в каждом следующем 8-м р. — (::2:11) x 1 п. = 102 (108:112:120:126) п.


After 48 cm (= 152 r.) from the initial row, close for okata on both sides in every next 2 r. 1 (2:2:2:2) x3 p., 4 (3:4:6:5) x2 p., 13 (15:13:11:13) x 1 p., 3 (3:4: 5:5) x2 p., 2 (2:2:2:3) x 3 p. and the remaining 30 p.

вязаный пуловер


On needles No. 3, cast on 123 (127:131:139:143) sts and knit with an elastic band, starting with 3 knits. After 10 cm (= 34 r.) from the initial row, put it on the right in each next 2nd r. 6 (6:6: 10:10) x 9 p., 4 (4:4:-:-) x 8 p.

Knit 1 p. on all loops and set the loops aside.


On needles No. 3, cast on 123 (127:131:139: 143) sts and knit with an elastic band, finishing the row of 3 faces.

After 10 cm (= 34 r.) from the initial row, put the loops on the left, as on the right half of the collar. Knit 1 p. on all loops and set the loops aside.


Sew shoulder seams. Sew the collar pieces, providing a seam for the lapel from the front side to

10 cm from the outer edge.

Sew the open loops of the collar with a “back needle” stitch along the edge of the neck (= green lines on the pattern).

Sew the side edges of the collar along the closed stitches in the middle of the neckline (= red line on pattern), placing the right side on top of the left.

Sew the sleeves into the armholes.

Sew side seams and sleeve seams.

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