Lozere men's pullover with diamonds
Dimensions: 44-46 (48) 52.

You will need: yarn ANNY BLATT: MERINOS (100% merino, 50 g / 125 m) Daim 160: 9 (9) 10 skeins; Canelle 088: 5 skeins; Kraft 298: 4 skeins; Noir 383: 1 skein; knitting needles No. 3.5 and 4; knitting needle with two ends No. 4.

elastic band 1/1;
persons smooth surface
Pattern 1: number of items, a multiple of 4 + chrome. n. on both sides
1, 3, 5,7,9,11,13,14,15, 17 and 18 r.: all persons
2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 rubles: 1 chrome p., *1 p. p., 2 persons. p., 1 p. n.*, repeat from * to *, finish with 1 chrome. P.
16 rubles: all p. purl.
Repeat 1-18 r.

Diamond 1: knit 44 sts according to the pattern. 2 persons p. cross to the left: knit. 2nd stitch behind 1st, then 1st stitch, k2. p. cross to the right: knit knit. 2nd p. before 1st, then 1st p.

Diamond 2: number of stitches, a multiple of 8+1+chrome. p. on both sides, knit according to the pattern.

Pattern 2: number of stitches, a multiple of 6+1+chrome. n. on both sides.
1 rub.: color Daim, all p. faces.
2 rubles: Kraft color, all faces.
3 rubles: color Kraft, purl all over, use a needle with two open ends.
4 rubles: color Noir, move along the knitting needle to the beginning of 3 rows. and knit all stitches.
5 rubles: color Canelle, all faces.
6 rubles: color Canelle, all p.
7 rubles: Daim color, 1 chrome. n., *1 p. p. knitted for 3 r. below, 5 p. p.*, repeat from * to * and finish 1 p. p. for 3 r. below and 1 chrome. P.
8 rubles: color Daim, all p.p.
9 rubles: Kraft color, all faces.
Pattern 3: like pattern 2, but with this distribution:
1 p.: Kraft;
2 and 3 p.: Canelle;
4 rubles: Noir;
5 and 6 p.: Daim;
7 and 8 p.: Kraft;
9 p.: Canelle.
Pattern 4: like pattern 2, but with this distribution:
1 p.: Canelle;
2 and 3 p.: Daim;
4 p.: Noir;
5 and 6 p.: Kraft;
7 and 8 rubles: Canelle;
9 p.: Daim.
Pattern 5: like pattern 2, but with this distribution:
1 p.: Kraft;
2 and 3 p.: Daim;
4 rubles: Noir;
5 and 6 p.: Canelle;
7 and 8 rubles: Kraft;
9 p.: Daim.
Knitting density: pattern 1 on knitting needles No. 4: 21 sts. and 32 r = 10 x10
BACK: Using Daim color yarn on knitting needles No. 3.5, cast on 122 (130) 138 sts and knit 7 cm with 1/1 rib. Continue on size 4 needles with pattern 1, starting with 1 edge. p. and 1 p. diagram.
After 15 cm (48 r.) from the elastic, continue with pattern 2, making 1 decrease in 1 r. and start at 7 p.m. with chrome p., 5 (3) 1 p. p., then repeat from * to *.
After completion of 9 r. continue with Kraft color yarn and knit diamond 1, making 1 increase in 1 row. and distributing the stitches like this: 8 (12) 16 stitches. satin stitch, 44 p. rhombus 1, 18 p. knit. satin stitch, 44 p. rhombus 1 and 8 (12) 16 p. satin stitch
After completing 32 r. knit pattern 3, making 1 decrease and starting as pattern 2. After that, knit pattern 1 with Canelle yarn, making 1 increase per 1 p. and starting with 1 chrome. p. and 1 p. diagram.
After 35 cm from the elastic, close on both sides for 1x2 armholes, then in each 2 r. 4×1 p.
There will be 110 (118) 126 p. After 47 cm from the elastic, continue with pattern 4, performing 1 decrease in 1 p. and starting as pattern 2. Finish with Daim color yarn in diamonds 2, working in 1 p. 1 addition and starting with chrome. p. and 4 (8) 4 p. diagrams.
After 62 (63) 64 cm from the elastic band for the shoulder bevel, close 1x8 (9) 10 p. on both sides, then 2 p. in each. 2×8 (9) 10p. and 1×9(10) 11 p.
At the same time, for the neckline, close the middle 16 sts, finish the sides separately and close the edges of the neck in each 2 r. 2×7 p.
BEFORE: like a back, but with a larger neckline. After 56 (57) 58 cm from the elastic band for the neckline, close the middle 16 stitches, finish the sides separately and close along the inner edge in every 2 rows. 1×4, 1×3, 2×2 and 3×1 sts. After 62 (63) 64 cm from the elastic band for the shoulder bevel, close the st as on the back.
SLEEVE: Using Daim color yarn on knitting needles No. 3.5, cast on 48 (52) 56 sts, and knit with an elastic band 1/1 7.5 (6.5) 5.5 cm, then purl 1. R. purl p. with an even distribution of 8 additions. You will get 56 (60) 64 sts. Next, on needles No. 4, knit with pattern 1, starting with 1 edge. p. and 2 (4) 2 p. diagrams.
Add 6 rubles on both sides. 5×1 and each 4 r. 25×1 p. At the same time, 8 cm from the elastic band, continue working with pattern 2, doing 1 p. 1 decrease and starting 7 p. with chrome p., 2 (4) 0 p. p., then knit from * to *.
After completing 9 p. continue with diamonds using 1 yarn in Kraft color, making 1 p. 1 increase and starting with 5 (7) 9 sts. satin stitch, 1-43 p., then 30-44 p. pattern and 5 (7) 9 p. satin stitch
After 21 cm from the elastic band, continue with pattern 3, making 1 p. 1 decrease and starting 7 p. with chrome p., 0 (2) 4 p. p., then knit from * to *. After completing 9 p. knit pattern with 1 yarn in Canelle color, in 1 p. making 1 addition and starting with 1 chrome. p., then 1 (3) 1 p. diagram.
After 33 cm from the elastic, continue with pattern 4, in 1 r. after completing the decrease and starting 7 p. with chrome p., 3 (5) 1 p. p., then knit from * to * After completing 9 r. knit diamonds with 2 yarns of Daim color, in 1 p. completing 1 addition and starting with 1 chrome. p., then 5(3) 1 p. diagram.
You will get 116 (120) 124 sts. After 42 cm from the elastic for piping, close the sleeves on both sides 1×2, then in each 2 p. 4 × 1 p. Close off the remaining 104 (108) 112 p. Knit the second sleeve as the first.
According to general assembly rules. Sew the right shoulder. Using yarn of Kraft color along the neckline, cast on 121 sts on needles No. 3.5 (49 sts on the back and 72 sts on the front) and knit with pattern 5, starting from 2 p. After completing 8 p. continue with an elastic band of 1/1 Daim color yarn, knit 2 cm and at the same time bind off all sts according to the pattern. Sew the second shoulder. Close the remaining seams and insert the sleeves.
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My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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