An elegant summer cardigan with buttons with openwork “Zigzags” and “Chevrons” is knitted with cotton and silk knitting needles.
Dimensions: S (N1) L (XL)

You will need: Langyarns Liza yarn (70% viscose. 20% extrafine merino wool, 10% silk; 165 m/50 g) - 9 (10) 11 (12) skeins sky blue (No. 1069.0020); knitting needles No. 3; long circular knitting needles No. 2.5; 5 buttons.
Garter stitch. Front and back rows - front loops. Knit 2 stitches with a broach. Slip 1 stitch as if knitted, knit the next stitch, then pull it through the removed stitch.
Openwork patterns “Zigzags” and “Chevrons”.
Knit according to counting patterns.
They show only the front rows. In purl rows, purl all stitches and yarn overs. Repeat from 1st to 12th row. Rubber. Chrome, * purl 1, knit 2, purl 1, from * repeat, chrome. (= knit 2, purl 2). In the next rows, knit stitches according to the pattern.

Note 1: Products containing silk or viscose should not be knitted too long. because they stretch in length during wear.
Note 2: loops highlighted in gray in the pattern of the openwork pattern “Chevrons” for sizes S and L are knitted in stockinette stitch (1 knit on the front side or 1 purl on the wrong side).
Note 3: When decreasing and adding loops, make sure that the number of yarn overs and loops knitted together is the same.
Knitting density: openwork patterns (knitting needles No. 3) - 22 sts x 33 r. = 10 x 10 cm.
Description of knitting

On needles No. 3, cast on 112 (122) 132 (144) sts and knit 4 rows. garter stitch.
Continue knitting as follows: chrome, knit with an openwork “Zigzag” pattern according to a counting pattern, starting from the letter A (A) A (B), knit the motif 21 (23) 25 (27) times and finish at the letter a (a) a (b). chrome
After 42 rows, knit 4 rows. garter stitch and continue knitting as follows: chrome, knit with an openwork pattern “Chevrons” according to a counted pattern, starting from the letter A (B) C (D), knit the motif 6 times and finish at the letter a (b) c (d), chrome
After 48 (47) 46 (44) cm from the initial row (measure while hanging), close the armholes on both sides in each next 2nd row. 1 (2) 2 (2) x 2 p., 7 (9) 8 (8) x 1 p. and in every next 4 p. 2 x 1 p. (see note 3) = 90 (92) 104 (116) p.
After 20 (21) 22 (24) cm from the beginning of the armholes, close the shoulder bevels on both sides in each next 2nd r. 1 x 6 p., 3 x 7 p. (1 x 6 p.... 3 x 7 p.) 1 x 7 p. 3 x 8 p. (4 x 9 p.). Simultaneously with the 1st decrease for the shoulders, close off the middle 30 (32) 36 (38) sts for the neckline and finish both sides separately.
To round the inner edge, close in every next 2nd row. 1 x 2 p. and 1 x 1 p.
Left shelf.
On knitting needles No. 3, cast on 57 (62) 67 (74) sts and knit 4 rows. garter stitch.
Continue knitting as follows: chrome, knit with an openwork “Zigzag” pattern according to a counting pattern, starting from the letter A (A) A (B), knit the motif 10 (11) 12 (13) times, finish at the letter a (a) a (b). chrome
After 42 r. knit 4 p. garter stitch and continue knitting as follows: chrome, knit with an openwork pattern “Chevrons” according to a counted pattern, starting from the letter A (B) C (D), knit the motif 3 times and finish at the letter e, chrome.
At the same time, for size XL in the 1st row, decrease 1 p. = 57 (62) 67 (73) p. Make decreases for the armhole on the right, as on the back.
After 42 (42) 41 (41) cm from the initial row, decrease for the neckline on the left in each next 4th row. 16 (17) 20 (23) x 1 p. and in every next 6th p. 3 (3) 2 (0) x 1 p. (see note 3).
Make decreases for the shoulder bevel on the right, as on the back.
Right shelf.
Knit symmetrically to the left front. Knit with an openwork "Chevrons" pattern according to the counted pattern, starting from the letter E, knit the motif 3 times, ending at the letter a (b) with (d). At the same time for size XL in 1st r. decrease 1 p. = 57 (62) 67 (73) p.

On needles Ns 3, cast on 47 (52) 57 (64) sts and knit 4 rows. garter stitch.
Continue knitting as follows: chrome, knit with an openwork “Zigzag” pattern according to a counting pattern, starting from the letter A (A) A (B), knit the motif 8 (9) 10 (10) times and finish at the letter a (a) a (b), chrome.
For bevels, add on both sides alternately in every next 10th r. and every next 12th r. 13 x 1 p. = 73 (78) 83 (90) p., added loops knit according to the pattern. After 42 r. knit 4 p. garter stitch and continue knitting with an openwork “Chevron” pattern according to a counted pattern so that the middle loop of the motif coincides with the middle of the sleeve.
After 48 cm from the initial row, close for okat on both sides in each next 2nd row. 1 (2) 2 (2) x 2 p., then decrease 7 (8) 9 (8) x 1 p., then in every next 4 p. 2 x 1 p. and in every next 2 p. 9 (6) 7 (9) x 1 p., close off 3 x 2 p. and 1 x 3 p.
After 15 (15) 16 (16) cm from the beginning of the okat, close off the remaining loops.
Sew shoulder seams.
Clasp bar.
Using circular knitting needles Ns 2.5, cast on 398 (402) 406 (410) sts along the edges of the front and back neckline (= 108 (108) 106 (106) sts from the bottom edge of the front to the beginning of the neckline and vice versa, 70 each (70) 73 (73) sts along the edges of the neckline, 42 (46) 48 (52) sts along the edge of the back neck).
Knit with an elastic band, while starting the 1st purl row: edge, purl 1, knit 2, finish the row symmetrically.
After 1.5 cm from the beginning of the placket, distribute 5 holes for buttons on the right side of the placket as follows: starting from the bottom edge, knit 6 (6) 4 (4) sts, bind off the next 2 sts without knitting and immediately cast on 2 sts. Do more 4 holes at a distance of 22 stitches between them, finish the row.
After 3.5 cm from the beginning of the bar, loosely close the loops according to the pattern.
Sew the sleeves into the armholes. Sew side seams and sleeve seams. Sew buttons.
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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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