Пальто с крупным рельефным узором
Knitting, Knitting ideas, Coats, cardigans, jackets

Coat with large relief pattern

вязаное пальто

A “flying” coat with large relief patterns, for autumn days, reminiscent of a garment thanks to its impeccable knitting: a successful example of a combination of elegance and practicality.



YOU WILL NEED: 1700 g yarn “Clara della Filatura di Crosa” cream color;

knitting needles No. 6 and 7;

auxiliary needle No. 7;

yarn needle with rounded end;

1 button.


On the knitting needles: hollow elastic (casting on and fastening).

 "Double pearl" pattern (knitted on an odd number of loops):

 1st row: * K1. p., 1 p. p. *, repeat. from * to *, 1 persons. P.;

2nd and all even rows: knit stitches according to the pattern;

3rd row: * 1 purl. p., 1 persons. p. *, repeat. from * to *, 1 p. P.; 5th row: repeat from 1st row.

Double rope pattern (knitted on 16 sts):

1st and 3rd row: 2 purl. p., 12 persons. p., 2 p. P.;

 2nd and all even rows: knit stitches according to the pattern;

5th rad: 2 p. sts, 6 sts cross to the right (3 sts, leave on the auxiliary needle while working, knit 3 sts, then knit stitches with the auxiliary needles), cross 6 sts to the left (3 sts leave on the auxiliary needle, knitting needle before work, knit 3 stitches, then knit stitches with auxiliary stitches, knitting needles), purl 2. P.;

7th row: repeat from 1st row.

Harness pattern: knits 11 sts according to the pattern and description.

Pigtail pattern (knitted 2 p.):

1st row: cross 2 stitches to the right (knit the 2nd stitch in front of the 1st stitch, then knit the 1st stitch);

2nd row purl. P.; 3rd row: repeat from 1st row;

 Left braid pattern knits 10 sts according to the pattern and description.

Pattern "braid to the right": knits 10 sts according to the pattern and description.

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Crossed diamond pattern: knitted on 27 loops according to the diagram and description.

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Needle: knit stitch to secure the hollow elastic.

KNITTING DENSITY 17 p. x 18 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted on needles No. 7 in various patterns. 20 p. x 20 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with a “braid” pattern, alternating with 1 stitch of purl stitch on knitting needles No. 6.


 Back: On knitting needles No. 7, cast on 102 stitches and for the strap, knit 6 rows. hollow elastic band (= 1 cm).

 Continue knitting as follows: 3 sts of double pearl pattern, 2 sts of braid pattern, 11 sts of rope pattern, 27 sts of crossed diamond pattern, 16 sts of double rope pattern, 27 sts of crochet pattern “crossed diamonds”, 11 stitches of a “plait” pattern, 2 stitches of a “braid” pattern, 3 stitches of a double pearl pattern.

At a height of 10 cm from the bar (= 18 r.), decrease on both sides every 16 r. 2 times 1 p.

At a height of 82 cm from the bar (= 148 r.), close on both sides for the armholes 6 p., and then decrease in every 2 r. 3 times 2 stitches each, for the first 2 decreases on the right, perform 3 stitches together with the knit stitch after the first 2 stitches, and on the left 1 double stretch before the last 2 stitches, and for the last decrease, 3 stitches together purl on the right between the first 3 p. and on the left between the last 3 p.

 At a height of 25 cm from the beginning of the armholes (= 46 r.), close off the remaining 74 sts.

Left shelf: On knitting needles No. 7, cast on 53 sts and knit a bar as for the back. Continue knitting as follows: 3 sts of a double pearl pattern, 2 sts of a braid pattern, 11 sts of a rope pattern, 27 sts of a crossed diamond pattern, 10 sts of a right braid pattern.

 At a height of 10 cm from the bar (= 18 r.), decrease to the right every 16th r. 2 times 1 p. At a height of 82 cm from the bar (= 148 r.), close 6 p. on the right for the armhole, and then decrease in every 2 r. 3 times 2 stitches each, making decreases as for the right back armhole.

At a height of 18 cm from the beginning of the armhole (= 32 r.), close the neckline on the left in every 2nd r., 1 time 8 p., 2 times 2 p., 2 times 1 p. At a height of 7 cm from the beginning of the neck (= 14 r.) bind off the remaining 25 sts.

Right shelf: knit symmetrically to the left front; after the bar, knit as follows: 10 sts of the “braid to the left” pattern, 27 sts of the “crossed diamonds” pattern, 11 sts of the “harness” pattern, 2 sts of the “braid” pattern, 3 sts of the “double pearl” pattern. Reducing the armhole is done in the same way as for the left back armhole.

Sleeve: On knitting needles No. 7, cast on 43 stitches and knit the bar as on the back, performing 6 increases at equal intervals in the last row.

Continue knitting as follows; 11 sts of the “plait” pattern, 27 sts of the “crossed diamonds” pattern, 11 sts of the “plait” pattern, On both sides, add every 4th r. 17 times 1 p.: knit the 1st added stitch with a purl stitch, * the next 2 sts with a pigtail pattern and the next 2 sts with a purl stitch *, repeat, from * to * 4 times.

 At a height of 51 cm from the bar (= 92 r.), close on both sides in every 2nd r. 3 times 4 sts. At a height of 3.5 cm from the edge (= 6 p.), bind off the remaining 59 sts.

Plank for the side of the left shelf: Using knitting needles No. 6, cast on 210 sts and knit: 1 edge. p. (2 p. braid pattern, 1 p. purl stitch) x 2 times, 2 p. braid pattern, 1 edge stitch. p. At a height of 100 cm from the bottom edge (= 200 r.), leave the loops open.

Strap for the side of the right shelf: knits like the side panel of the left shelf.

Collar: On knitting needles No. 6, put on 10 open sts of the right strap, continuing knitting as follows, for the collar, cast on 68 sts again and knit 10 sts of the left strap.

 In the “back” row, knit: 1 edge. p., 2 p. p., 1 persons. p. *, repeat. from * to * 28 times, 2 p. p., 1 edge P.

 Next, knit as follows: 1 edge. p., * 2 p. braid pattern, 1 p. purl stitch *, repeat. from * to * 28 times, 2 stitches of the “pigtail” pattern, 1 edge. P.

 At a height of 11 cm from the collar (= 22 r.), close off 12 sts on both sides.

At a height of 22 cm from the base of the collar (= 44 r.), close the loops.


Cover the shoulder seams, the seam of the side panels of the corresponding fronts and the base of the collar along the neckline on the right side of the work.

 Fold the collar in half inward and fasten the loops of the last row along the edge of the neckline.

Sew the sides of the fold with small stitches on the wrong side of the work at the level of the underlying “pigtail”.

Complete the side seams, sleeve seams and sew in the sleeves.

 Using knitting needles No. 7, cast on 3 sts and knit 20 r. with a hollow elastic band (= 1st r.: * 1 knit., thread before work, remove 1 p. as purl, without knitting * repeat from * to *; 2nd and all subsequent r.: knit knit. removed loops and remove the purl stitches of the previous row).

Close the loops with a knit stitch using a needle.

 To form a loop, fold the hollow elastic in half and sew both ends to the base of the collar on the wrong side of the work at the level of the center of the “braid” of the right front.

Sew the button symmetrically on the front side of the left front.

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