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Knitting, Knitting ideas, Dresses, tunics, suits

Dress with hole pattern

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This original dress made of linen yarn will emphasize all the advantages of your figure.


34—40 (42—46)
Product width across chest circumference: 106 (122) cm
Product length: 100 (100) cm
Sleeve length along the inner seam: 47 (47) cm


Yarn Langyarns, Lino (100% flax; 50 g/100 m) - 13 (15) skeins, milky white (color 784.0094); straight knitting needles No. 3.5 and 4.5; auxiliary knitting needles; knitting markers.



On the right side = 1 chrome, 1 knit, 2 sts knit together; on the left side = slip 1 p., knit 1, pull the removed loop through the knitted one, knit 1, chrome 1.


On the right side = 1 chrome, 4 stitches of elastic, start with 1 knit, then knit 1 knit. and knit 2 stitches together; on the left side = remove 1 stitch, knit 1, pull the removed loop through the knitted stitch, knit 1, 4 stitches of elastic band, start with purl 1, at the end knit 1 edge.


K1, p1


Knit according to the pattern. It shows the front and back rows.

Knit rows 1-14 once, then repeat rows 3-14.

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When making decreases, start knitting a fragment (hole) of an openwork pattern only if it can be completed completely.


Front rows - front loops, purl rows - purl loops.


20 p. x 26 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with an openwork pattern on knitting needles No. 4.5.



Using knitting needles No. 3.5, cast on 139 (155) sts and knit with an elastic band, starting with k1.

After 6 cm, switch to needles No. 4.5 and knit 1 purl. row as follows: 1 chrome, 6 sts of elastic, on the next 125 (141) sts, evenly decrease 31 sts, at the same time knit with purl, knit 6 sts of elastic, 1 chrome. = 108 (124) p.

In the next row, distribute the loops of the pattern as follows: 1 edge, 6 stitches of elastic, 94 (110) stitches of the openwork pattern (start from the stitch in front of the repeat pattern, knit the repeat pattern 5 (6) times and close the row by knitting p. after the repeat pattern), 6 p. elastic, 1 chrome. At a distance of 30 cm from the cast-on row, distribute the loops of the pattern as follows, simultaneously performing decreases at the beginning and end of the row (decrease 1): 1 edge, 6 stitches in stockinette stitch, 94 (110) stitches in openwork pattern, 6 stitches in stockinette stitch , 1 chrome. Repeat these decreases to form the silhouette every 24th p. more
4 times = 98 (114) p.

When the length of the work is 78 (76) cm (keep the work hanging while measuring), at the beginning of the next 2 p. close 2 stitches for the armhole, then on both sides in every 2nd row. perform 1 decrease 8 (10) times (decrease 2) = 78 (90) p.

When the height of the armhole is 20 (22) cm, on both sides in every 2nd r. close 2 times 5 points + 2 times 6 points (2 times 6 points + 2 times 7 points) for the shoulder bevel.

At the same time, to form the neckline, close the middle 28 (32) sts, and then from the inner edge in every 2nd p. On both sides close 2 sts 1 time and 1 st 1 time.


Knit like a back. When the length of the work is 78 cm, to form the neckline, knit the middle 10 sts as follows: 1 p., 1 knit., 1 p., transfer 2 sts to the auxiliary knitting needle (thread behind the work), knit the next 2 sts. as knit stitches, then knit stitches from the auxiliary needle, p1, k1, p1.

In the next purl row, divide the loops of the part in the middle and from this moment on, knit 4 stitches in the neckline area with an elastic band.

To form a neckline in every 4th r. perform 1 decrease at a time - a total of 12 (14) times (decrease 2).

When the height of the armhole is 20 (22) cm, in each row from the outer edge close 5 sts 3 times + 6 sts 1 time (6 sts 3 times + 7 sts 1 time) for the shoulder bevel. Continue knitting 6 sts on both sides of the row according to the given pattern for another 9 (10) cm. Set aside the loops of the part temporarily.


On straight needles No. 3.5, cast on 54 (62) sts and knit with an elastic band.

After 6 cm, switch to knitting with an openwork pattern, while evenly decreasing 8 sts = 46 (54) sts.

To form a sleeve on both sides in every 10th r. add 1 stitch at a time - 10 times in total = 66 (74) stitches. First knit the added stitches in stockinette stitch, and then, as soon as possible, in an openwork pattern.

When the length of the work is 47 cm, to form an okat, close 2 p. at the beginning of the next 2 p.

Then on both sides in every 2nd r. perform 1 decrease - a total of 14 (15) times and on both sides in every 2nd r. close 2 sts 4 times and 3 sts 1 time. When the height of the edging is 15 (16) cm, loosely close the remaining loops.


Sew a knit stitch on the set aside stitches and connect the binding to the back neckline. Sew the remaining seams, leaving 30 cm on both sides unknitted. Sew in the sleeves.

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