То вдоль, то поперек, то в замысловатых узорах, то в четкой геометрии — и все это «косы»! Сегодня в трикотажной моде они демонстрируют новые возможности.
You will need: 650 (700, 750) grams of purple pullover yarn and 400 grams of emerald green scarf yarn, consisting of 100% wool; thread length 120 meters in 50 grams; knitting needles No. 4 and 4.5; circular knitting needles No. 4 and 4.5.

Sweater sizes: 34-36 (38-40, 42-44).

Rubber (knitting needles No. 4, knitting in rows in forward and reverse directions): the number of loops is a multiple of 4 + 2 edge loops.
Front rows: edge, * 1 front, 2 purl, 1 front, from * repeat, edge.
Purl rows: knit loops according to the pattern.
Rubber (knitting needles No. 4, knitting in the round): the number of loops is a multiple of 4. Knit alternately 2 knit and 2 purl loops. The remaining patterns are made on knitting needles No. 4.5.
Facial surface: front rows - front loops, purl rows - purl loops.
Braided Pattern: the number of loops is a multiple of 16 + 14 loops. Knit according to the pattern. It shows only the front rows. In the purl rows, knit the loops according to the pattern, discard the yarn overs of the previous front row. In width, start with loops before the repeat, repeat the repeat, end with loops after the repeat. Repeat in height from the 1st to the 16th row.

Sweater knitting density: knitting needles No. 4.5, 34 loops per 27 rows = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with a braided pattern; 23 loops for 27 rows = 10 by 10 cm, knitted with stockinette stitch.
Description of knitting
On knitting needles No. 4, cast on 114 (130, 146) loops and knit for the bottom bar 8 cm = 23 rows with an elastic band and 1 purl row, while in the last purl row evenly add 36 loops = 150 (166, 182) loops on the knitting needles.
Continue working, distributing the pattern loops as follows: edge stitch, 11 stockinette stitches, 126 (142, 158) braided stitches, 11 stockinette stitches, edge stitch.
After 35 cm = 94 rows from the bottom bar, close on both sides for the armholes, first 1 time with 3 loops, then in each 2nd row 4 more times with 2 loops = 128 (144, 160) loops on the knitting needles.
After 50.5 cm = 136 rows (52.5 cm = 142 rows; 55 cm = 148 rows) from the bottom bar, leave all the loops temporarily (= the middle 48 loops form the straight edge of the neckline, 40 (48, 56) loops on both on the sides of them are the shoulder edges).
Front end
Knit like a back, but with a rounded neck. To do this, after 47.5 cm = 128 rows (49.5 cm = 134 rows; 52 cm = 140 rows) from the bottom bar, leave the middle 48 loops temporarily and finish both sides separately.
Temporarily leave the remaining 40 (48, 56) shoulder stitches at the same height as on the back. Knit the second side symmetrically to the first.
On needles No. 4, cast on 58 stitches and knit for a 7.5 cm strap with an elastic band. Switch to needles No. 4.5 and continue working with stockinette stitch.
At the same time, starting from the bar, add bevels on both sides 11 times in every 8th row and 2 times in every 6th row (17 times in every 6th row; 18 times in every 4th row and 5 times in every 6th row) 1 stitch = 84 (92, 104) loops on the needles.
After 40 cm = 108 rows from the bar, close on both sides to form an okat, first 1 time with 5 loops and in each 2nd row another 6 times with 5 loops.
After 45 cm = 122 rows from the bar, bind off the remaining 14 (22, 34) loops in one row.
Fold the front and back parts right sides together and knit the remaining shoulder loops in pairs together with the right sides together and bind off at the same time.
Using circular knitting needles No. 4, knit the remaining 48 stitches for the back neckline, cast on 12 stitches along the edge of the front neckline, knit the remaining 48 stitches for the front section and cast on 12 stitches = 120 stitches along the edge of the front neckline on the other side.
Knit for the binding 11 cm with an elastic band. Then close the loops according to the drawing. Sew in the sleeves according to the marks on the drawing of the pattern pieces, slightly fitting the sleeve along the edge. Sew side seams and sleeve seams.
Description of knitting a scarf
Scarf size: 20 by 130 cm (without fringe).
Braided pattern with 62 loops (knitting in the round): the number of loops is a multiple of 16 + 14 loops. Knit according to the pattern. It contains odd rows. In even rows, knit loops according to the pattern, yarn overs of the previous persons. row reset. In width, start with loops before repeat, repeat repeat 3 times, end with loops after repeat. Repeat in height from the 1st to the 16th row.
Knit stitch (knitting in the round): knit stitches only.
The knitting density of a scarf is the same as that of a sweater.
On circular needles No. 4.5, cast on 112 stitches and close the row. Knit 1 row in the round with knit stitches. Continue the work, distributing the loops of the patterns in the following sequence: 62 loops of the woven pattern, 50 loops of the front stitch.
After 130.5 cm = 352 rows from the cast-on row, close off all the loops. Fold the scarf in half and attach fringe to the ends of both layers - 12 elements on each side. For each fringe element, take 5 threads 25 cm long.
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Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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