Эта модель с воротником — стойкой отличается выразительной рельефной структурой, однако не кажется громоздкой за счет пушистой мохеровой пряжи нежного пудрового оттенка.
Here, classic “braids” show their most delicate side thanks to the pleasant-to-touch yarn and harmonious beige-brown tones.

Dimensions: 36/38 (40/42) 44/46

You will need: пряжа (80% мохера, 20% полиэстера; 100 м/25 г) — 275 (300) 325 г светло-бежевой; спицы № 4,5; круговые спицы № 4.5.

Pattern 1: elastic band (the number of loops is a multiple of 4 + 2 edge loops).
Front rows: edge, * 1 front, 2 purl, 1 front, from * constantly repeat, edge.
Purl rows: knit loops according to the pattern.

Pattern 2: double pattern (number of loops is a multiple of 2).
1st circle. R.: 1 knit, 1 p. remove as a purl thread before work, from * constantly repeat.
2nd round: 1 п. снять, как лицевую, нить за работой, 1 изнаночная, от » постоянно повторять. Постоянно повторять 1-й и 2-й круг. р.
Pattern 3: pattern of “braids” (the number of loops is a multiple of 26 + 1 + 2 edge loops) = knit according to. scheme. It shows facial rows; In the purl rows, knit loops according to the pattern or acc. symbols.
Constantly repeat the rapport of 26 sts between the arrows and end with a loop after the left arrow. Constantly repeat 1-36th r.

Pattern 4: лицевая гладь = лицевые ряды — лицевые петли, изнаночные ряды — изнаночные петли.
Pattern 5: изнаночная гладь = лицевые ряды — изнаночные петли, изнаночные ряды — лицевые петли.
Emphasized decreases:
from the right edge = edge, knit 3 sts together with a slant to the left (= slip 1 st as a knit stitch, knit 2 sts together and pull through the removed loop).
From the left edge = knit acc. pattern until the last 4 stitches, then knit 3 stitches together with the front and edge stitches.
Knitting density: узор 3 — 22 п. х 25 р. = 10 х 10 см.

Back: cast on 114 (122) 130 stitches using a cross cast-on and knit 1 purl row.
This series is not taken into account in subsequent calculations.
For the bottom bar, knit 12 cm = 30 r. pattern 1, while in the last row of the bar evenly add 1 (1) 3 p. = 115 (123) 133 p.
Then distribute the loops as follows: edge stitch, 2 stitches of pattern 5, 2 stitches of pattern 4, 105 stitches of pattern 3, 2 stitches of pattern 4, 2 stitches of pattern 5, edge stitch (edge stitch, * 2 stitches of pattern 5, 2 stitch of pattern 4, from * perform 2 times, 105 stitches of pattern 3, ** 2 stitches of pattern 4, 2 stitches of pattern 5, from ** perform 2 times, edge) edge, 131 stitches of pattern 3, edge.
After 29 cm = 72 r. from the bottom bar, close on both sides for the armholes 1 x 5 p. and emphasize the decrease in the next 6 p. for raglan bevels 0 (1) 1 x 2 p. and in every 4th p. 12 (12) 13 x 2 p. = 57 (61) 67 p.
After 50 cm = 126 rubles. (52 cm = 130 rub.) 54 cm = 136 rub. from the bottom bar, evenly decrease 19 (21) 23 sts and set aside the remaining 38 (40) 44 sts.

Before: knit like a back.
Sleeves: cast on 58 (66) 74 stitches on the knitting needles for each sleeve in a cross-shaped cast-on and knit 1 purl row.
For the strap, knit 12 cm = 30 r. pattern 1, while in the last row of the bar evenly add 29 (31) 33 sts = 87 (97) 107 sts.
Затем распределить петли следующим образом: кромочная, 1 п. узора 4, 2 п. узора 5, 79 п. узора 3, 2 п. узора 5, 1 п. узора 4, кромочная (кромочная, * 2 п. узора 4, 2 п. узора 5, от » выполнить 2 раза, 79 п. узора 3, ** 2 п. узора 5, 2 п. узора 4, от ** выполнить 2 раза, кромочная) кромочная, 105 п. узора 3, кромочная.
After 29 cm = 72 r. from the bar, close 1 x 5 sts on both sides and emphasize the decrease in the next 6 p. for raglan bevels 0(1) 1 1 p. and in every 4th r. 12 (12) 13 x 2 p. = 29 (35) 39 p.
After 50 cm = 126 rubles. (52 cm = 130 rub.) 54 cm = 136 rub. from the bar, evenly subtract 8 (10) 16 sts and set aside the remaining 21 (23) 23 sts.

Assembly: make raglan seams.
For the collar, transfer the set aside 118 (126) 138 sts to circular needles and knit 6 cm = 20 rounds. R. pattern 2.
Close the loops, while knitting 2 stitches together. Sew sleeve seams and side seams.
Cross set of hinges
The set of loops is made with double thread.
To do this, you will need an additional thread at least twice as long as the length of the cast-on edge.
First, make the initial loop, for which you connect the middle of the additional thread with the thread of the ball and make the initial loop.
After this, place the single thread coming from the ball, as usual, around the index finger and pass under the fingers (= index finger thread).
Place a double additional thread from the outside inwards under the thumb and hold it under the other fingers together with the thread of the index finger (= thread of the thumb).
Now perform the 1st stitch as usual, i.e., pass the knitting needle from the outside in around the thumb, pull out the thread of the index finger and tighten the loop.
For the 2nd stitch, throw off the thumb thread and lay it from the inside out around the thumb.
Now pass the knitting needle under the thread of the thumb lying inside, pull out the thread of the index finger and tighten the loop.
This is an alternation to repeat
After the initial row, always knit 1 purl row using purl stitches.
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My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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