Пуловер с ажурными «косами»
Knitting, Knitting ideas, Sweaters, pullovers, jumpers

Pullover with openwork braids

вязаный пуловер

Платочная вязка в качестве основного узора, наложенные друг на друга ажурные «листья» в виде «кос» для украшения, резинка по краям — перед вами необычный пуловер, который хочется поскорее надеть!

Dimensions: 36-38 (40-42) 44-46

 Product width according to chest circumference: 113 (123) 133 см

Length of the product: 59.5 (61,5) 63.5 см

Sleeve length at inseam: 43 (43,5) 43,5 см


 You will need: пряжа Rowan Alpacа Classic (57% шерсти альпака, 43% хлопка: 25 г/120 м) — 20 (22) 24 мотка голубой (цв. 106);

knitting needles No. 5 and 6; circular knitting needles No. 5, 40 cm long.

 Knitting density:

изнаночная гладь (спицы № 6) в две нити — 18 п. х 26 р. = 10 х 10 см;

узор ажурные «Косы» (спицы № 6) в две нити — 23 п. = 12 см.


 Rubber (round in rows and rows in forward and reverse directions): knit alternately 1 knit, 1 purl.

 Garter stitch: лицевые и изнаночные ряды — лицевые петли.

Knit 2 stitches together with a tilt to the left: remove 1 p., like a knit one, knit 1, pull it through the removed loop.

Decrease loops:

at the beginning of the row: knit 2, knit 2 stitches together with a slant to the left. at the end of the row: knit until the last 4 sts, knit 2 sts together, knit 2.

Openwork pattern “Braids” (at 23 p.):

1st r. (= knit row): knit 8, knit 2 stitches together, 1 yarn over. K1, p1, k1, 1 yarn over. Knit 2 stitches together with a tilt to the left, knit 8.

 2nd row: 7 purl, 2 p. knit together purl. crossed, purl 2...

Yarn over 1, knit 1, yarn over 1, purl 2. Purl 2 stitches together, purl 7.

3rd row: K6, k2, knit 2 together, k1, 1 yarn over, k2, purl 1, k2, 1 yarn over. K1, 2 p. knit together with a tilt to the left, k6.

4th row: 5 purl, 2 p. knit together purl. crossed, 3 p. 1 yarn over P1, k1, p1, 1 yo. Purl 3, purl 2 stitches together, purl 5.

5th r.: k4, knit 2, knit 2 together, knit 1, knit 3, purl 1, knit 3, knit 1. 2 persons , 2 p. knit together with a tilt to the left., 4 persons.

 6th day: 3 purl, 2 p. knit together purl. crossed, 4 p., 1 yarn over, 2 p., 1 knit., 2 p. 1 yarn over Purl 4, purl 2 stitches together, purl 3.

7th day: K2, k2, knit 2 together, k3, 1 yarn over, k4, p1, k4, 1 yarn over, k3. Knit 2 stitches together with a tilt to the left, knit 2.

8th day: 1 purl, 2 p. knit together purl. crossed, 5 purl, 1 yarn over. 3 p. , k1, p3 1 yarn over Purl 5, purl 2 stitches together, purl 1.

 9th day: Knit 2 stitches together, knit 4, 1 yarn over, knit 5. 1 purl, knit 5, 1 yarn over. 4 knits, 2 p. knit together with a tilt to the left

10th day: 11 p., 1 knit., 11 p.

11th day: K11, p1, k11. 12th r.: 11 p., 1 knit., 11 p.

Repeat 1-12th r.

Note: knit all parts in two threads.

If only one number is given, it is valid for all sizes.

вязаный пуловер

Description of knitting


on knitting needles No. 5, cast on with two threads 104 (114) 122 sts and in 1 r. (= knit row) knit with an elastic band, starting with the front one.

After 4 cm, finish with a purl row.

Switch to needles No. 6 and knit as follows;

 1st r. (= knit row): knit stitches.

2nd r. (= purl row): 23 (28) 32 knits. P23, k12, p23, k23 (28) k32

3rd row: 23 (28) 32 p. garter stitch, 23 p. openwork pattern, 12 p. garter stitch, 23 p. openwork pattern, 23 (28) 32 p. garter stitch.

After 39 (40) 41 cm from the cast-on row, close for the armholes on both sides 1 x 3 p. = 98 (108) 116 p. Then in every 2nd r. decrease 2 x 1 p. = 94 (104) 112 p.

 After 19 (20) 21 cm from the beginning of the armholes for the neckline, put the middle 34 stitches on the holder and then knit both sides separately.

To round the neckline along the inner edge in the next 2nd r. decrease 1 x 1 st. In the next front row, bind off the remaining 29 (34) 38 sts of the shoulder.


knit like a back, but with a more spongy neckline.

After 50 (52) 54 cm from the cast-on row, set aside the middle 16 stitches and then knit both sides separately.

To round the neckline along the inner edge in every 2nd r. decrease 10 x 1 p. 29 (34) 38 p.

After 59.5 (61.5) 63.5 cm from the cast-on row, bind off the remaining 29 (34) 38 shoulder stitches.


On knitting needles No. 5, cast on with two threads for each sleeve 42 (42) 46 sts and in 1 r. (= knit row) knit with an elastic band, starting with 1 knit.

After 4 cm, finish with a purl row, while adding 19 n evenly. = 61 (61) 65 p.

Switch to needles No. 6 and knit as follows:

1st r. (= knit row): knit stitches.

2nd row: 19 (19) 21 knit, 23 purl. , 19 (19) 21 persons

3rd row: 2 p. garter stitch. add 1 p., 17 (17) 19 p. garter stitch, 23 p. openwork pattern, 17 (17) 19 p. garter stitch, add 1 p., 2 p. garter stitch = 63 (63) 67 p.

The added stitches in the next row are also knitted in garter stitch.

 For sleeve bevels on both sides every 10th r. add 4 (6) 6 1 p. = 71 (75) 79 p.

After 43 (43.5) 43.5 cm from the cast-on row for piping the sleeves on both sides, close 1 x 3 p. = 65 (69) 73 p. Then in every 2nd r. decrease 15 (16) 17 x 1 p. = 35 (37) 39 p. Cast off all loops, knitting them according to the pattern.

вязаный пуловер


Pin the details onto the pattern, moisten and let dry.

Sew shoulder seams.

Neck trim:

On circular needles No. 5, 40 cm long, cast on 86 sts along the edge of the neckline (= 48 sts on the front part and 38 sts on the back) and knit a circle. rows with an elastic band of 8 cm.

Close all the loops, knitting them according to the pattern.

Sew the sleeves into the armholes. Thread all the threads.

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