Пуловер с вырезом лодочка
Knitting, Knitting ideas, Sweaters, pullovers, jumpers

Pullover with boat neckline

вязаный пуловер

# Boat Neck Pullover by Norah Gaughan.

Lightweight openwork knitted pullover made of ribbon yarn based on 100% cotton.

 S, M, L, XL, XXL

Chest circumference 101, 111, 117, 125 cm.

Length 61 (62, 62, 63, 5, 65) cm.


Materials ленточная пряжа «Cabaret» by Reynolds № 6152 78м/50гр, круговые спицы 5.5 мм или другие для обеспечения плотности вязания.

Knitting density

16p x 22r. = 10 x 10 cm lace pattern


Lace Pattern: the number of loops is a multiple of 6 + 3 loops.

1st row (knits): 2 knits. p., yarn over, decrease stitches with a slant to the left (slip one knit stitch on the right knitting needle, slip another one as a knit stitch on the right knitting needle, thread the left knitting needle into the two removed stitches from left to right behind the front walls of these two loops and knit both loops together knit behind the back wall), knit 1. p., * knit 2 p. knits together, yarn over, knit 1. p., yarn over, decrease loops with a slant to the left, k1. P.*.

Repeat from * to *, finish the row by knitting 2 stitches together, yarn over, knit 2. P.

2nd row (purl): 3 purl. p., *yo, 3 p. p. together, yarn over, 3 p. P.*. Repeat from * to * end of row.

3rd row: 2 persons. n., 2 persons. p. together, yarn over, knit 1. p., *yarn over, decrease stitches with a slant to the left, k1. n., 2 persons. p. together, yarn over, knit 1. P.*. Repeat from * to *, finish the row: yarn over, decrease stitches with a slant to the left, k2. P.

4th row: 1 purl. p., 2 p. together, yarn over, * purl 3. p., yarn over, 3 p. together, yarn over. Repeat from *, end row 3 p., yo, 2 stitches together, 1 p. Repeat from rows 1 to 4.

вязаный пуловер

Back and front

Cast on 75 (81, 87, 93, 99) sts. Purl one row. p., then knit with a pattern to a height of 61 (62, 62, 63, 5, 65) cm from the cast-on row. Cast off all the stitches according to the pattern on the front row, without pulling the thread.


Набрать 45 (45 , 51 , 57 , 57) п. Провязать один ряд изн. п., далее вязать узором. В 10-ом (лицевом) ряду с обеих сторон прибавить по 1 п. из протяжки. Далее в каждом 8-ом ряду с обеих сторон прибавить еще 8 (10 , 10 , 9 , 7) раз и в каждом 6-ом ряду прибавить 0 (0 , 0 , 0 , 4) раз, всего — 63 (67 , 73 , 77 , 81) п. На высоте 43 см от наборного ряда закрыть все петли по рисунку в лицевом ряду.


Moisten the parts and straighten them, placing them on a flat surface. Sew shoulder seams, shoulder seam width is (10, 12.5, 14, 16) cm from the edge. Sew in the sleeves, the depth of the sleeve armhole is 18 (19, 20.5, 21.5, 23) cm from the edge.

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