Пуловер с вырезом на плечах
Knitting, Knitting ideas, Sweaters, pullovers, jumpers

Pullover with cut-out shoulders

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Pullover with cut-out shoulders

Dimensions: 36-38, 40-42 and 44-46.

Данные для размера 40-42 приведены в скобках (), для размера 44-46 — в двойных скобках (()).

If only one value is specified, it applies to all 3 sizes.


Pullover length: approximately 60 cm.

You will need:

500 (550) ((600)) g yarn type LINIE 5 CORAFINO terracotta color number 56 (60% wool, 40% polyacrylic, 175 m/50 g), straight needles No. 3 and 3.5, as well as circular needles No. 3, length 40 -50 cm.

Elastic band (on knitting needles No. 3): alternately 1 persons. p., 1 p. P.

Basic pattern (on knitting needles No. 3.5): The number of loops is a multiple of 20 + 1 + chrome.

Knit according to the pattern.

В изн. рядах петли вязать по рисунку, накиды — лицевыми.

Repeat in height from 1st to 32nd row.

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Semi-patent knitting on knitting needles No. 3.5: odd number of loops.

All persons. rows: chrome. p., * 1 p. p., 1 patent loop (= 1 knit stitch, while inserting the knitting needle one row below (the loop of the previous row will unravel and you will get a patent loop), repeat from *, finish 1 purl stitch, chrome.

All out. rows: chrome, * 1 persons. p., 1 p. p., repeat from *, finish 1 persons. n., chrome.

Double loop:

An alternative to short and long rows with a double crochet is double or stretched loops.

This technique is also used to knit a boomerang heel for socks.

Only here each loop is knitted as a double loop.

Ideally, it is knitted in stockinette stitch, although another pattern can be used.

Knit up to the indicated loops with the main pattern and turn the work.

Поворот детали —

Pull the thread back tightly and knit in the opposite direction. loop.

After turning, place the thread in front of the work, insert the knitting needle into the 1st stitch from right to left, then transfer the loop and thread to the right knitting needle and pull the thread back tightly, while the loop will stretch over the knitting needle and make a double loop.

This description applies to all rows, whether worked purl or not. or persons. a loop.

After knitting a double loop, knit a row back according to the pattern.

Important: Pull the loop tightly, otherwise you will end up with holes later and/or the pattern will be uneven.

Изнанка — нить туго протянуть назад и провязать в обратном направлении изн. петлю.

When finished knitting, knit a double loop together with a purl or knit stitch.

Knitting density:

main pattern on knitting needles No. 3.5: 26 sts and 44 r. = 10 x 10 cm;

semi-patent knitting on knitting needles No. 3.5: 26 sts and 50 r. = 10 x 10 cm.

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On knitting needles No. 3, cast on 123 (143) ((163)) stitches and start the rib with 1 purl. row: chrome, * 1 purl. p., 1 persons. p., repeat from *, finish 1 purl. n., chrome.

After 6 cm of elastic band, switch to needles No. 3.5 and knit straight in height with the main pattern: chrome. p., 6 (7) ((8)) rapports, 1 p. after rapport, chrome.

For the sleeve armhole, after 36 (34.5) ((33)) cm of the main pattern on both sides, close 1 x 4 (8) ((8)) p., then in every 2nd r. decrease 6x (12x) ((12x)) 1 p. = 103(103) ((123)) p. 

To round the neckline after 51 cm of the main pattern (= 7 repeats in height), set aside the middle 21 stitches and finish both sides separately.

Round the neckline in short rows with a double loop: in every 2nd r. reduce 3 x 4 and 3 x 2 sts and turn the work with a double loop.

At a height of 54 cm of the main pattern (= 7.5 repeats in height), close off 23 (23) ((33)) shoulder stitches.


Knit like a back, only for a deeper neckline, after 47 cm of total length (= 6.5 repeats in height), set aside the middle 9 stitches and finish both sides separately.

Round the neckline in short rows with a double loop: in every 2nd r. decrease 2 x 3, 7 x 2 and 4 x 1 sts and turn the work with a double loop.

At a height of 54 cm of the main pattern (= 7.5 repeats in height), close off 23 (23) ((33)) shoulder stitches.


On knitting needles No. 3, cast on 55 (59) ((63)) sts and start the rib with 1 purl. row: chrome, * 1 persons. p., 1 p. p., repeat from *, finish 1 persons. n., chrome.

After 6 cm of elastic band, switch to needles No. 3.5 and knit with semi-patent knitting.

To bevel the sleeves on both sides in every 8th r. add 20 x 1 p. (in every 8th row 10 x 1 p., in every 6th row 13 x 1 p.) ((in every 8th row 6 x 1 p., in each 6th row 20 x 1 p.)) = 95 (105) ((115)) p. 

At the same time, after 26 cm of the semi-patent pattern, close the middle loop and finish both sides separately.

For the bevel, in every 2nd and next 4th row, decrease 26x (26x) ((28x)) 1 p., while continuing to increase in the side seam for the sleeve bevel.

After 10 cm = 30 r. from dividing the sleeves to roll up the sleeves, close 1 x 4 (8) ((8)), then in every 2nd r. decrease 14x (15x) ((18x)) 1 p. (= before or after the edging p. knit 2 p. together with a purl), close the last 3 (3) ((5)) p.

Finish the second side symmetrically.


Sew shoulder seams.

For the neckline, take to work the 114 stitches set aside from the front and back, raise 9 stitches along the front curve on both sides and knit an elastic band on all 132 stitches, while continuing the current pattern from the main pattern.

After 3 cm, close the loops according to the drawing.

Sew sleeves from * into armholes, sew side seams and sleeve seams.

Для планки выреза на плечах по пройме рукава и скосам рукава поднять примерно 144 (152) ((164)) п. — по скосам рукава по 40 (40) ((42)) п., по пройме рукава от/до плеча по 32 (36) ((40)) п. и провязать резинкой круговыми рядами, при этом посредине рукава в каждом круг. ряду провязать 3 п. вместе лиц. протяжкой (= снять среднюю петлю вместе с предыдущей петлей, как при лиц. вязании, след. петлю провязать лицевой и протянуть ее через снятые петли). 

After 3 cm, close the loops according to the drawing.

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