Пуловер с миксом узоров
Knitting, Knitting ideas, Sweaters, pullovers, jumpers

Pullover with a mix of patterns

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High-quality blended yarn provides warmth and genuine comfort. The model is made in stockinette stitch, the bottom of the sleeves and the round neckline are accented with an elastic band. The voluminous sleeves are knitted crosswise and decorated with double braids. On almost identical parts of the front and back, the patterns replace each other, striking the imagination: first an openwork bottom bar, then a fancy elastic band and, finally, a complex composition of “braids”. This type of work will require attention and experience!

Size: 36/38


You will need: пряжа Rico Design Fashion Light Luxury (74% шерсти альпака, 22% шерсти, 4% полиамида. 130 м/ 50 г) — 8 мотков светло-бежевой (№ 033); круговые спицы № длиной 80 см; 2 вспомогательные спицы.

Openwork pattern: knit according to the pattern.

Repeat repeat loops, ending with a loop after repeat. The diagram shows only the front rows; in the purl rows, purl all the loops and yarn overs.

Knit from 1st to 14th r.

схема вязания спицами

 Fantasy elastic band: in persons rows knit alternately 1 purl, 3 persons.

 In purl. knit stitches in rows according to the pattern

 Elastic band 1 (round rows): knit alternately k1, p1.

Pattern of -braids- (sleeves, 15 p.): knit according to the pattern.

Repeat from 1st to 4th row.

схема вязания спицами

Braid pattern (front and back): knit according to the pattern.

 The diagram shows only the front rows; in the purl rows, knit according to the pattern. Knit from 1st to 82nd r.

схема вязания спицами
схема вязания спицами

Increase 1 p. crossed purl: Use the right knitting needle to pick up the broach between 2 stitches, put it on the left knitting needle and knit with a crossed purl stitch.

Knitting density: лицевая гладь (спицы № 6) — 12 п. х 18 р. = 10 х 10 см.


On knitting needles No. 6, cast on 67 sts and knit between edges. 1 purl. knit row, then knit 14 r. openwork pattern according to the diagram.

In the next row (= knit row): knit, evenly adding 32 sts from the broaches (knit a loop from the broach between 2 sts crossed with the knit stitch) = 99 sts.

Next row (= purl row): knit purl.

Then knit between the edges. 8 rub. with a fancy elastic band, while knitting 1 purl at the beginning and end of the row.

Next, distribute the loops in this way: chrome, 17 sts with fancy elastic, 63 sts with a braid pattern, 17 sts with fancy elastic, chrome.

Make decreases and increases on loops connected with fancy elastic in the rows indicated below (in all other rows, knit loops according to the pattern or in accordance with the diagram).

5th r. chrome, 6 p. with a fancy elastic band, knit 2 p. together with the front one, add 1 p. with a crossed purl, 8 p. with a fancy elastic band, add 1 p. with a crossed purl. , 1 p., 63 p. with a braid pattern, 1 p. add 1 p. with a crossed purl... 8 p. with a fancy elastic band, add 1 p. with a crossed purl, knit 2 p. together, 6 p. with a fancy elastic band , chrome = 103 p.

9th day: кром., 5 п. фантазийной резинкой, 2 п. провязать вместе лицевой, 2 изн. , 8 п. фантазийной резинкой, прибавить 1 п. скрещенной изн., 2 изн.… 63 п. узором из «кос», 2 изн., прибавить 1 п. скрещенной изн., 8 п. фанта- зийной резинкой, 2 изн., 2 п. провязать вместе лицевой, 5 п. фантазийной резинкой, кром. — 103 п.

13th: chrome, 4 sts with fancy elastic band, knit 2 sts together, purl 2, knit 3, add 1 st crossed purl, purl 1… knit 3, add 1 st crossed purl, purl 4 ., 63 stitches in a braid pattern, purl 3, add 1 stitch crossed, knit 3, purl 1, add 1 stitch crossed purl, knit 3, purl 2. Knit 2 sts together with knit stitch, 4 sts with fancy elastic, chrome. 105 p.

17th chrome, 1 purl. K2, knit 2 stitches together, knit 2, k3. P2, k3, add 1 p. crossed, purl 5, 63 p, braid pattern, p5, add 1 p crossed, p3, p2, k3 ., purl 2, knit 2 stitches together, knit 2. 1 purl., chrome. = 105 p.

 21st r: chrome, purl 1, knit 1, knit 2 stitches together, purl 2, knit 3. P2, k3, add 1 p. crossed purl, p6. , 63 p. with a braid pattern. 6 purl, add 1 stitch crossed, knit 3, purl 2, knit 3, purl 2, knit 2 stitches together, knit 1. 1 purl., chrome. = 105 p.

25th day: chrome, purl 1, knit 2 stitches together, purl 2, knit 3, purl 2, knit 3, add 1 stitch crossed purl, purl 7, 63 stitches with braid pattern, purl 7 ., add 1 stitch crossed purl, knit 3, purl 2, knit 3, purl 2, knit 2 stitches together, purl 1. chrome = 105 p.

29th r. chrome, 2 p. knit together, knit 2, knit 3, purl 2, zlit. add 1 p. crossed purl, 8 purl. 63 sts in a braid pattern, purl 8, add 1 st crossed purl. , 3 persons. Purl 2, knit 3... Purl 2, knit 2 stitches together, knit edging = 105 stitches.

33rd r.. edge... 2 p. knit together with a tilt to the left (= armhole), 1 purl. K3, p2, k3, add 1 st crossed purl, p9, 63 sts with braid pattern, purl 9, add 1 st crossed purl, k3, purl 2 . , knit 3, purl 1, 2 p. knit together with a tilt to the left (= armhole), chrome. = 105 p.

35th r. at the beginning of the row after chrome. and at the end of the row before the edge. knit 2 p. together with a tilt to the left = 103 p.

37th r.. edge... knit 2 stitches together with a slant to the left (= armhole), k2, purl 2, knit 3, add 1 stitch crossed purl, purl 10, 63 stitches with a braid pattern, 10 purl, add 1 stitch crossed purl, knit 2, purl 2, knit 2, knit 2 stitches together with a slant to the left (= armhole), chrome. = 103 p.

39th r: at the beginning of the row after chrome. and at the end of the row before the edge, knit 2 sts together with a tilt to the left = 101 sts.

 41st r: chrome, knit 2 stitches together with a slant to the left (= armhole), purl 2... knit 3, add 1 stitch crossed purl. 11 p., 63 l. braid pattern, purl 11, add 1 p. crossed purl, knit 3. 2 p. , 2 p. knit together with a tilt to the left (= armhole), chrome. 101 p.

43rd r: at the beginning of the row after the edge, and at the end of the row before the edge. knit 2 p. together with a slant to the left = 99 p.

 45th r: chrome, knit 2 stitches together with a tilt to the left (= armhole). K3, add 1 stitch crossed, purl 12... 63 stitches with a braid pattern, purl 12, add 1 stitch crossed, purl, knit 3, knit 2 stitches together with a slant to the left (- armhole), chrome = 99 p.

 47th r.: at the beginning of the row after chrome. and at the end of the row before the edge, knit 2 sts together with a tilt to the left = 97 sts.

49th r.: chrome, 2 p. knit together with a tilt to the left (= armhole), knit 1 add 1 p. crossed purl... 11 p., knit 2 p. together purl, 63 p. with a braid pattern, 2 p. knit together purl , 11 purl, add 1 p. crossed purl, knit 1 2 p. together with a tilt to the left (= armhole), chrome. = 95 p.

Attention: from this moment on, 4 purls are knitted in the middle of the braid pattern.

 Then in every next 4th r. knit 8 times this way: chrome. , k2 add 1 p. crossed purl. Purl 11, purl 2 stitches together, purl 63 stitches, purl 2 stitches together, purl 11, add 1 purl crossed stitch, knit 2. chrome = 95 p.

For the neck after 50 cm from the initial row (starting from the 81st row of the pattern), close the middle 21 sts and finish both sides separately, while continuing to knit loops according to the pattern.

 To round a cutout along the inner edge close in each next 2-m. 1 x 3p. and 1 x 2 p.

For the shoulder bind off the remaining 32 sts.

Finish the second side symmetrically to the first.


knit like a back, but with a deeper neckline.

 For the neck starting from 77th r. scheme, close off the middle 17 sts and finish both sides separately.

To round a cutout close along the inner edge in each subsequent 2nd row. 1 x 3 p., 1 x 2 p. and 2 x 1 p.

 For shoulders close off the remaining 32 sts on both sides.


knitted in the transverse direction.

On knitting needles No. 6, cast on 66 stitches and knit between edges. as follows: chrome, knit 2, purl 3, 15 stitches with Braid pattern, purl 3, knit 8, purl 3, 15 stitches with Braid pattern, purl 15 chrome. In purl rows, knit stitches according to the pattern.

For okata in each next front row, add from the broach on the right after the edge. 23 x 1 p. = 86 p. Knit 2 cm straight without increases = middle of the upper part of the okat

Knit another 2 cm according to the pattern, then decrease on the right after the edge. 23 x 1 p (= 2 p. knit together with a tilt to the left).

After 48 cm from the starting row, loosely bind off the loops.

On the lower edge of the sleeve, using needles No. 6, cast on 66 stitches and knit between the edges. Purl 1, purl row.

In the next row (= knit row): knit between edges. 2 p. in pairs together, knit 34 p.

Next row (= purl row) purl, then 9 cm with rib 1

In the next row, bind off the loops.

Knit the second sleeve like the first.


stretch the parts according to the size of the pattern, moisten and leave until dry

Make seams.

Sew the sleeves into the armholes.

 Sew side seams and sleeve seams.

Using short circular needles No. 6, cast on 90 stitches along the edge of the neckline and knit a 3 cm circle, in rows with rib 1, then bind off the stitches.

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