Pullover with braids, knitted from separate parts.
Sometimes seemingly simple things become real works of art. It’s enough to look at them from a slightly different angle, apply the simplest skills, and the stylish thing is ready.
Designer Nora Gohan came up with the design of this sweater back in 2001. She was inspired by a quilt she was working on at the time. She placed simple braid motifs in the center of each individual detail, due to which the formation of the entire product turned out to be not quite familiar to our eyes.
Это пуловер вяжется из восьми отдельных деталей спицами. Четыре детали соединяются для полочки, оставшиеся четыре — для спинки пуловера. После соединения переда и спины петли рукавов переносят на спицу и вяжут до манжет.
At first glance, the pullover seems simple. It seems that follow the diagram and you will get a completely unusual thing. But here too there is a difficulty, because the formation of the neck and shoulders fits into the formation of the upper parts, and this requires attention and concentration.

Size: S (M, L), photo shows size M
Bust: 83.5 (91.5, 99) cm.
Circle: 105 (111.5, 122) cm.
Length: 56 (61, 66) cm.
From armhole: 37.5 (40.5, 45.5) cm.

Materials: wool yarn 50 g/132 m – 11 (12, 14) skeins, straight knitting needles 3.5 and 4.0 mm, circular knitting needles 3.5 mm. 40 cm long, additional cable needle, markers and stitch holders.
(The original in the bottom photo is knitted from wool/alpaca yarn, 50 g./86 m.,)
Knitting density: 23 loops * 36 rows = 10 * 10 cm. pattern according to the pattern with large knitting needles
24 stitches * 48 rows = 10*10 cm in garter stitch using smaller needles.

Scheme: All sections of the pullover are knitted according to the same pattern, but it is too large, so it is divided into 4 parts.
6-stRC (crossing 6 loops to the right): slip 2 loops onto an additional knitting needle, knit 4 stitches. from the left knitting needle and knit 2. with an additional knitting needle.
6-stLC (crossing 6 loops to the right): slip 4 loops onto an additional knitting needle before knitting, knit 2 knits. from the left knitting needle and knit 4. with an additional knitting needle.
6-stRPC (crossing 6 loops with purls to the right): slip 2 loops onto an additional knitting needle, knit 4. from the left knitting needle and 2 p. with an additional knitting needle.
6-stLPS (crossing 6 stitches with purls to the right): slip 4 stitches onto an additional needle before knitting, knit 2 purls. from the left knitting needle and knit 4. with an additional knitting needle.
Cross 2 loops to the right: knit 2 knits together. to the right, then knit the first loop again and remove 2 loops from the knitting needle. (or remove 1 loop on an additional knitting needle, knit 1 knit from the left knitting needle and 1 knit from an additional knitting needle - whichever is more convenient for you).
Add a loop: lift the thread from the broach onto the left knitting needle and knit it over the back wall.

Job descriptions:
Bottom section (link 2): Using large knitting needles, cast on 4 stitches.
Track. row: knit with purl loops.
Track. row (front side): k1, add a loop, k2, add a loop, k1.
Track. row: knit with purl loops.
Track. row: (K2, add a loop) – 2 times, k2. = 8 loops.
Track. row: knit with purl loops.
Next, knit according to the pattern, starting from the 1st row.
In total, knit 90 (100, 108) rows of the pattern = 118 (128, 136) loops after the last knitted row and the work height will be 25.5 (28, 30.5) cm.**
Switch to smaller knitting needles, knit a row with knit stitches, at the same time decrease 5 loops over each braid consisting of 14 loops, in this way: (2 knit together to the right, knit 1) - 4 times, k2 together. right = 98 (108, 116) stitches.
Next, knit with a garter pattern (each row is done with knit stitches) - 5 cm.
Finish the row with faces. sides, close the loops on the wrong side.
Back neck section: knit as bottom section up to ** = 118 (128, 136) stitches.
Next for the shoulders cast off 8 (10, 11) stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows and 9 (10, 11) stitches at the beginning of the next 6 rows.
At the same time as the shoulders, close the central 24 loops for the back neck.
Continue knitting the shoulders separately, at the same time, in every second row, bind off 4 more loops on each side of the neck - 3 times.
Front neck section: knit as the bottom section, but only complete 80 (90, 98) rows of pattern = 108 (118, 126) stitches.
Next, remove the central 32 loops onto an additional knitting needle.
Continue knitting the left and right sides of this section separately according to the pattern, at the same time close off from the neck side in every second row 3 loops - 1 time, 2 loops - 1 time and 1 loop - 3 times.
At the same time, at the height of closing the shoulders of the back, close the loops in the same way as for the back.
Section of the left side of the front and the right side of the back: knit from 1 to 90 (100, 108) row of the pattern = 118 (128, 136) loops.
Track. row (front side): cast off 71 (77, 79) stitches, set aside 47 (51, 57) stitches for sleeve.
Section of the right side of the front and left side of the back: knit from 1 to 89 (99, 107) row of the pattern.
Track. row (wrong side): cast off 71 (77, 79) stitches, set aside 47 (51, 57) stitches for sleeve.
Sew the sections together.

Sleeves: on the front side, knit in a pattern according to the pattern of the left side front stitches set aside until the last 2 loops, k2 together. to the left, place a marker, knit 2 knits together. to the right above the first 2 set back loops, tie the set back loops according to the pattern = 92 (100, 112) loops.
Knit 3 rows according to the pattern.
Decrease Row: Work in pattern for last 4 stitches before marker, k2tog. right, knit 2, knit 2 together. to the left, knit in the pattern until the end of the row.
repeat such decreases in every 4th row - 14 (17, 21) times = 62 (64, 68) loops.
At a height of 26.5 (26.5, 28) cm, finish the purl row.
Switch to smaller circular needles.
Knit a row with facial loops, at the same time decrease 5 loops over each braid = 52 (54, 58) loops.
Bind off the stitches like knit stitches on the wrong side.
Sew the sleeve seam and side seam.
Neck strap: on the front side with circular knitting needles, starting from the center of the back, raise 39 evenly along the fabric to the set aside front neck loops, knit 39 knits, raise 39 loops on the other side to the center of the back = 110 loops.
Next knit in the round:
1st round: k1, knit 2 rib/p2. to the central 32 loops of the front neckline, continue to knit the central loops according to the braid pattern, knit with an elastic band 2 knits/2 purls. 38 loops, cross 2 loops to the right.
Continue knitting with an elastic band + braid pattern + crossing 2 loops in the center of the back in every second row - 5 cm.
Knit a row with facial loops, at the same time decrease 5 loops over each braid = 100 loops.
Bind off the stitches purlwise.
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Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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