Пуловер Lisette от Berroco Design Team.
Knitting, Knitting ideas, Sweaters, pullovers, jumpers

Lisette pullover from Berroco Design Team.

вязаный пуловер

Чудесная модель пуловера от Berroco с круглой ажурной кокеткой для женщин, связанная на спицах 4 мм из летней хлопковой пряжи. Сначала вяжутся рукава и основная деталь по кругу чулочной вязкой, далее выполняется кокетка по приведенной в описании схеме ажурного волнистого узора. Перед тем как вязать узор, необходимо выполнить несколько рядов частичного вязания для ростка.

Chest circumference: 91.5 (99, 106.5, 114.5, 122, 129.5, 137) cm,

Length: 56 (56, 57, 58.5, 59.5, 61, 61) cm.


Necessary materials: Berroco Quinoa yarn (91% cotton, 9% nylon; 160 m / 50 grams) – 7 (7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 11) skeins.

Required tools: circular needles No. 3.75 and No. 4, 80 cm long, sets of double-pointed needles (or circular needles, 40 cm long) No. 3.75 and No. 4, three stitch markers, auxiliary thread, tapestry needle.

Knitting density:

21 stitches and 28 rows = 10 cm in stockinette stitch, made with size 4 needles;

24 loops and 27 rows = 10 cm of openwork pattern, made with needles No. 4.

вязаный пуловер

The pullover is knitted in circular rows from the bottom up to the armholes, then sleeves are added, and then the yoke is worked in a single fabric in circular rows.

Sleeve: Using knitting needles No. 3.75, cast on 48 (48, 48, 52, 52, 56, 56) loops, close the knitting in a circle. Mark the beginning of knitting with a marker. Knit with an elastic band *2 knit stitches, 2 purl loops; repeat from * to the end of the row, to a height of 5 cm. Move the knitting to needles No. 4. Circular row of increases: 1 knit loop, add 1 loop from the broach, knit loops to the last 1 loop of the row, add 1 loop from the broach, 1 knit loop = 2 loops added. Repeat these increments every 10 (8, 7, 6, 5, 5, 4) row 7 (8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15) more times - on 64 (66, 68, 76, 78) needles , 86, 88) loops. Continue straight until the sleeve height reaches 35.5 cm from the cast-on row, ending 5 (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) stitches before the end of the row. Slip next 10 (12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22) stitches onto utility needle for undercut, remove beg marker. Place the remaining 54 (54, 54, 60, 60, 66, 66) stitches on another yoke needle. Knit the second sleeve in the same way.

Main detail: Using circular needles No. 3.75, cast on 188 (204, 220, 236, 252, 268, 284) stitches. Close the knitting in a circle. Mark the beginning of knitting with a marker. Knit with an elastic band *2 knit stitches, 2 purl loops; repeat from * to the end of the row, to a height of 5 cm. Move the knitting to needles No. 4 and knit 30.5 cm straight in stockinette stitch, ending without reaching 5 (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) loops to the end of the row.

вязаный пуловер

Yoke: slip the next 10 (12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22) stitches on the auxiliary needle for undercutting, place a new row marker, knit 54 (54, 54, 60, 60, 66, 66) sleeve stitches, place a marker, knit 84 (90, 96, 102, 108, 114, 120) front stitches, place marker, slip next 10 (12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22) stitches on utility needle for undercutting, 54 (54, 54 , 60, 60, 66, 66) knit stitches for the second sleeve, 84 (90, 96, 102, 108, 114, 120) knit stitches for the back – total on knitting needles 276 (288, 300, 324, 336, 360, 372) stitches . Knit 0 (0, 1.5, 2.5, 4, 5, 5) cm straight. Next, knit in short rows for the sprout:

1st short row (front): knit stitches to marker, marker, wrap around next stitch and turn knitting.

2nd row shortened row (purl): marker, purl stitches to marker, marker, wrap around next loop and turn knitting.

3rd short row (front): knit stitches to the entwined loop, knit the entwined loop together with its entwinement raised on the knitting needle, 8 (8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10) knit loops, twist the next loop and turn the knitting.

4th short row: Purl stitches to the entwined loop, purl the entwined loop together with its entwinement raised on the knitting needle, 8 (8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10) purl loops, entwine the next loop and turn the knitting.

Repeat the 3rd and 4th rows 1 more time.

Next row (front): knit stitches to the entwined loop, knit the entwined loop together with its entwinement raised onto the knitting needle, knit stitches to the end of the row.

Next row (purl): purl stitches to the entwined loop, purl the entwined loop together with its entwinement raised onto the knitting needle, purl loops to the end of the row.

Then knit again in stockinette stitch.

Next round: removing markers 2 and 3, *knit 2 stitches together, knit 90 (142, 298, 25, 28, 38, 44), repeat from * 2 more (1, 0, 11, 10, 8, 7) times, 0 (0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 4) knit stitches – 273 (286, 299, 312, 325, 351, 364) loops on the needles.

Note: as the stitches decrease, switch to short circular needles for easier knitting.

Knit rows 1-73 according to the openwork pattern.

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