Пуловер с косами в виде буквы V — это само совершенство!
Model by Kim Hargreaves
Dimensions: XS SML XL XXL Bust circumference 81 86 91 97 102 109 cm

Required: ROWAN KIDSILK HAZE / Cream 7889 9 10 skeins of 25 g; knitting needles 4.5 mm and 6 mm; auxiliary knitting needle (AC)
Required: ROWAN KIDSILK HAZE / Cream 7889 9 10 skeins of 25 g; knitting needles 4.5 mm and 6 mm; auxiliary knitting needle (AC)
Knitting density:
15 p. and 20 r. = 10 x 10 cm faces. Satin stitch using 6 mm knitting needles in TWO strands of yarn.
Special abbreviations
12 persons. cross to the right = remove the trace. 6 p. on the sun at work, 6 knits, then 6 knits. from the aircraft;
12 persons. cross to the left = remove the mark. 6 p. on the sun before work, 6 persons, then 6 persons with the sun.

Cast on 90 (94: 100: 106: 110: 118) sts on 4.5 mm needles in TWO strands of yarn.
Row 1 (RS): K0 (0: 1: 0: 0: 0). 2 (0: 2 2 0; 0) p.. *k2, p2, repeat from * to last. 0 (2: 1: 0: 2:2) p., 0(2 1 0 2: 2) k.
Row 2: 0 (0: 1: 0: 0: 0) purl, 2 (0: 2: 2: 0: 0) knit, *p2, k2, repeat from * to last row. 0 (2: 1:0:2:2) p., 0 (2: 1: 0: 2: 2) p.
These 2 r. form a rubber band.
Связать резинкой еще 9 р., последн р. — с ЛС.
Row 12 (WS): 0 (2: 1: 0: 2: 2) p., (k2tog. p2.) 8 (8: 9: 10: 10: 11) times, k2, p2 ., knit 2, knit 1 new knit. p., purl 2, knit 1 new knit. p., k2, p2, k2 together, p2, k2, knit 1 new knit. p., purl 2, knit 1 new knit. p., k2, p2, k2, (p2, k2 together) 8 (8: 9: 10: 10: 11) times, 0 (2: 1: 0: 2:2) purl 77 (81: 85: 89: 93: 99) p.
Switch to 6 mm knitting needles.
Then knit a trail pattern. way:
Row 1 (RS): K24 (26:28:30:32:35), p2, k12. cross to the right, purl 1, knit 12. cross to the left, purl 2, k24 (26: 28: 30: 32: 35).
Row 2: 24 (26: 28: 30: 32: 35) p2, k2, p12, k1, p12, k2, 24 (26: 28: 30:32:35) purl
Row 3: K24 (26:28:30:32:35), p2, k12, p1, k12, p2, 24 (26:28:30:32:35) persons
Ряды 4 — 15: Как р. 2 и 3, 6 раз
Row 16: Like p. 2.
These 16 rubles. form a pattern.
Связать узором еще 13 (13: 15: 15: 15; 15) р., последн. р. — с ЛС.
Next row (RS): P24 (26: 28: 30: 32: 35), attach marker to needle, k2, p12, attach second marker to needle, k1, attach 3rd marker to needle , p12, k2, attach 4th marker to needle, p24 (26: 28: 30 32: 35)
Then move the braids apart as follows:
Next row (RS): Knit up to 2 sts in front of the first marker, k2 together. cross., remove the marker on the right knitting needle, knit with the pattern up to the 2nd marker, remove the marker on the right knitting needle, knit 1 new purl. p., knit purl. to the 3rd marker, knit 1 new purl. p., remove the marker on the right knitting needle, knit in the pattern until the 4th marker, remove the marker on the right knitting needle, k2 together, knit in the pattern until the end of the r.
Observing the indicated arrangement of loops (with 2 additional stitches in the middle of the row), knit 3
Повторить последн. 4 р. еще раза — сейчас в середине р. 7 п. изн. глади
Следующий ряд (ЛС): Вязать узором до 2 п. перед первым маркером, 2 вместе лиц скрещ., снять маркер на правую спицу, вязать узором до 2-го маркера, снять маркер на правую спицу, З изн., накид (чтобы прибавить дырочку), вязать изн. до 3 л. перед 3-м маркером, накид (чтобы прибавить дырочку), 3 изн., снять маркер на правую спицу, вязать узором до 4-го маркера, снять маркер на правую спицу, 2 вместе лиц., вязать узором до конца р. — сейчас в середине р. 9 п. изн. глади. В этом р. косы смещаются на одну п. к боковым краям и в середине участка изн. глади образуются дырочки.
Continue to move the braids apart, moving them 1 stitch closer to the edges and making holes on the underside of the satin stitch, as indicated above, in the 4th row. and 1 (3: 3: 3: 3: 3) times in each next. 4th row, then 1 (0: 0: 0: 0: 0) times in each next. 6th r. In the middle of p there should be 15 (17:17: 17:17: 17) p. iron.
Связать 3 (1: 1: 1: 1: 1) р., последн. р. — с ИС.
Performing armholes
Following the pattern, cast off 3 (3: 4: 4; 5; 5) sts at the beginning of the next stitch. 2 r. 71 (75: 77: 81: 83: 89) p.
Убавить 1 п. с каждой стороны в след. 3 (3: 3: 5: 5: 5) р., затем 1 (2: 2: 2: 2: 4) раз в каждом 2-м р., затем в след. 4-м р. и одновременно переместить косы на одну п. ближе к боковым краям, раздвигая их, как указано выше, в след. (3-м: 3-м: след.: след.: 3-м) р. и 0 (0: 0: 1:0: 0) раз в след. 4-м р., затем 1 (1: 1: 1:2: 2) раз в каждом след. 6-м р. 61 (63: 65: 65: 67: 69) п. — Сейчас в середине р. 19 (21: 21: 23: 23: 23) п. изн глади.
Moving the braids one stitch closer to the side edges, move them apart as indicated above, 4th (4th: 4th: 4th: 6m: 4th) p. and 3 times every 6th r. Now in the middle of the river. 27 (29: 29: 31: 31: 31) p. iron.
Связать 5 р., последн. р. — с ИС.
Shoulder slants and back neckline
Following the pattern as indicated above, cast off 6 (6. 6. 6. 6 7) sts at the beginning of the next 2 rows. 49 (51: 53: 53: 55: 55) n.
Next row (RS): Cast off 6 (6 6 6 6; 7) sts according to the pattern until there are 10 (10: 11: 10: 11: 10) sts on the right needle, turn work, set aside remaining sts on the loop holder.
Knit each side of the neckline separately.
Cast off 4 sts at beginning of next. R. Cast off remaining 6 (6: 7: 6: 7: 6) sts.
From the RS, attach the thread to the remaining sts, bind off the middle 17 (19: 19 21: 21: 21) sts, knit in a pattern until the end of the p. Finish the second side symmetrically.

Вязать, как спинку, пока не будет связано на 10 (10 10: 12: 12: 12) p. меньше, чем для спинки до начала плечевого скоса, последн. р. — с ИС. — Сейчас в середине р. 25 (27 27: 27: 27:27) п. изн. глади.
Front neckline
Moving the braids apart in the 5th (5th 5th: next next next) p. and 0 (0:0: 1: 1: 1) once every 6th p. then knit as follows:
(Примечание: При последнем раздвигании кос петель для выполнения соответствующего «накида» будет недостаточно, поэтому вместо него следует «вывязать 1 новую изн. п.»)
Next row (RS): Work 24 (24: 25 25: 26: 27) stitches and turn the work, putting the remaining stitches on the stitch holder. Knit each side of the neckline separately.
Observing the indicated location of the loops, decrease 1 p. from the neck side to the next. 4 r., then 1 (1: 1: 2: 2: 2) times in each trace of the 2nd r.
19 (19:20:19:20:21) p
Связать 3 р. последн. р. — с ИС.
Shoulder bevels
Close off 6 (6. 6: 6: 6: 7) sts at the beginning of the next. R. and the next 2-r. and at the same time decrease 1 p. from the side of the neck in the next. R.
Knit 1 p.
Cast off remaining 6 (6: 7: 6: 7: 6) sts.
From the RS, place the middle 13 (15: 15: 15: 15:15) stitches on the loop holder (for neck tape), attach the thread to the remaining stitches and knit in a pattern until the end of the stitch.
Finish the second side symmetrically.
SLEEVES (knit the same)
Cast on 48 (50: 52: 54: 56: 58) sts on 4.5 mm needles in TWO strands of yarn.
Row 1 (RS): K1 (0:0:0:1:0). 2 (0: 1: 2: 2: 0) purl, *k2, purl 2, repeat from * to last. 1 (2: 3: 0: 1: 2) p., 1 (2: 2 0 1: 2) knit., 0 (0: 1: 0: 0: 0) p.
Row 2: 1 (0 0 0 1:0) purl. K2 (0: 1: 2: 2: 0), * p2, k2, repeat from * to last. 1 (2: 3: 0; 1; 2) k., 1 (2: 2: 0: 1: 2) p., 0 (0: 1: 0: 0: 0) knit.
These 2 r. form a rubber band.
Связать резинкой еще 5 р., последн р. — с ЛС.
Row 8 (WS): P1 (0: 0: 0: 1: 0), k2 (0: 1: 2: 2: 0), *p1, yo, p1, k2. , repeat from * to last. 1 (2: 3: 0: 1: 2) p., 1 (1: 1:0: 1: 1) p., (yo, 1 p.) 0 (1: 1: 0: 0: 1) times , 0 (0: 1: 0: 0: 0) persons. 59 (63: 65: 67: 69: 73) p
Switch to 6 mm knitting needles.
Starting with faces. r., knit faces all the time. smooth the trace way:
Связать 12 р., последн. р. — с ИС
Row 13 (RS): K3, k2tog, knit. to the last 5 p., 2 knits together, crossing, 3 knits.
Decreasing stitches for sleeve bevels, as in the last one. R. decrease 1 p. on each side in 16 m (12th: 12th: 12th 16th 12m) p. and 2 (3: 3: 3: 2; 3) times in each trace 16th (12th 12th: 12m: 16th 12m) p. 51 (53: 55, 57: 61 63) p.
Далее вязать прямо до длины рукава 47 (48: 48: 49: 50: 51) см, последн. р. — с ИС.
Rolled sleeves
Cast off 3 (3: 4: 4: 5: 5) sts at beginning of next. 2 r. 45 (47: 47: 49: 51: 53) p.
Убавить 1 п. с каждой стороны в след. р. и в каждом след. 2-м р. до 29 п., затем в след. 5 р., последн. р. — с ИС.
Cast off the remaining 19 sts.
Iron with a low-heat iron through a damp cloth. Sew the right shoulder seam using a mattress stitch or back stitch.
Neck trim
From LS on 4.5 mm needles in TWO strands of yarn, pick up and knit. 14 (14; 14; 16 16 16) sts on the left side of the front neckline, knit purl. 13 (15 15: 15:15. 15) sts from the loop holder, pick up and knit 14 (14 14 16; 16; 16) sts on the right side of the front neck and 27 (28: 28: 30: 30: 30) n. along the neck of the back.
68 (71: 71: 77: 77:77) p.
Row 1 (IS): purl 2, *from next. knit two knits, purl 2, repeat from * to the end of the p. 90 (94: 94: 102: 102: 102) p.
Row 2: k2, *p2, k2. repeat from * to the end of p.
Row 3: P2, *K2, P2, repeat from * to end of r.
Last 2 r. form a rubber band.
Связать резинкой еще 4 р., последн. р. — с ИС.
Close the st according to the elastic pattern.
Sew the left shoulder seam and the neck binding seam. Sew side seams. Sew the seams of the sleeves and sew them into the armholes.
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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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У нежно-сиреневой модели с переплетением «кос» разной величины не только свободный, струящийся силуэт, но и роскошная пряжа, которая создает выразительный, неповторимый по красоте узор.
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