The silver-gray sleeveless vest features deep armholes and is knitted crosswise and features stunning braids.
The back and front of the vest are knitted in the transverse direction, then a wide ribbed placket is added to the bottom, and a neat neckband is added to the top. Original, magnificent thing!

SPOKES AND ACCESSORIES: Knitting needles No. 4,5 and 5; circular knitting needles No. 4, 40 cm long; circular knitting needles No. 4, 80 cm long; auxiliary knitting needle.
You will need:

4 p. cross to the right: Leave 2 stitches on the auxiliary needle while working, knit 2, then knit the loops from the auxiliary needle.
Cross 4 sts to the left: Leave 2 stitches on the auxiliary needle before work, knit 2, then knit the loops from the auxiliary needle.
Cross 5 p. to the left: Leave 3 stitches on the auxiliary needle before work, purl 2, then knit the loops from the auxiliary needle.
Cross 5 p. to the right: Leave 2 stitches on the auxiliary needle while working, knit 3, then purl the loops from the auxiliary needle.
Cross 6 sts to the left: Leave 3 stitches on the auxiliary needle before work, knit 3, then knit the loops from the auxiliary needle.
Cross 6 points to the right: Leave 3 stitches on the auxiliary needle while working, knit 3, then knit the loops from the auxiliary needle.
KNITTING DENSITY: 18 p. x 24 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with purl stitch on needles No. 5.
Braid pattern
1st row (= purl row): 3 x [alternating p4, k1 (1:1:2:3), p4, k4, p3, k2, p6, k2, p3, 4 knit.], purl 4, knit 1 (1:1:2: 3), purl 4.
2nd row: 3 x [alternately 4 knits„ 1 (1: 1: 2: 3) purl, 4 knits, 2 purl, 5 sts cross to the right, 2 purl, 6 knits, 2 purl, 5 sts cross to the left , purl 2], knit 4, purl 1 (1:1:2:3), knit 4.
3rd row: and each next purl row: knit the front loops with the front ones, knit the purl loops with the purl ones.
4th row: 3 x [alternately cross 4 sts to the right, purl 1 (1:1:2:3), cross 4 sts to the left, purl 2, knit 3, purl 4, knit 6, purl 4, 3 knit., 2 purl.], 4 sts cross to the right, 1 (1:1:2:3) purl., 4 sts cross to the left.
6th row: 3 x [alternately k4, p1 (1:1:2:3), k4, p2, k3, p4, 6 p. cross to the left, p4, k3. , purl 2], knit 4, purl 1 (1:1:2:3), knit 4.
8th row: knit like 4th row
10th row: 3 x [alternately k4, p1 (1:1:2:3), k4, p2, 5 p. cross to the left, p2, k6, p2, 5 p. cross to the right, purl 2], knit 4, purl 1 (1:1:2:3), knit 4. cross to the right, purl 2], knit 4, purl 1 (1:1:2:3), knit 4.
12th row: 3 x [alternately 4 sts cross to the right, 1 (1:1:2:3) purl, 4 sts cross to the left, 4 purl, 5 sts cross to the left, 6 sts cross to the left, 5 sts cross to the right , purl 4], cross 4 sts to the right, purl 1 (1:1:2:3), cross 4 sts to the left.
14th row: 3 x [alternately 4 knits, 1 (1:1:2: 3) purl, 4 knits, 6 purl. 2 x (cross 6 stitches to the right), purl 6], knit 4, purl 1 (1:1:2:3), knit 4.
16th row: 3 x [alternately cross 4 sts to the right, 1 (1:1:2:3) purl, 4 sts. cross to the left, purl 4, 5 sts cross to the right, 6 sts cross to the left, 5 sts cross to the left, purl 4], 4 sts cross to the right, 1 (1:1:2:3) purl, 4 cross to the left.
Purl stitch
Front rows - purl loops, purl rows - front loops.
On knitting needles No. 4.5, cast on 114 (118:122:126:130) stitches and knit for the bottom strap with an elastic band:
1st row: alternately knit 2, purl 2. to the last 2 p., k2.
2nd row: alternately purl 2, knit 2. to the last 2 sts, purl 2. Knit another 11 r. with an elastic band.
Switch to size 5 needles. Starting with row 1 (11:5:13:7), knit in a braid pattern as follows:
Next row (= purl row): 3 (5:7:7:7) knits., 108 (108:108:112:116) p. braid pattern, 3(5:7:7:7) knits.
Next row: 3 (5:7:7:7) purl, 108 (108: 108:112:116) stitches with braid pattern, 3 (5:7:7:7) purl. These 2 rows determine the location of the braid pattern and purl stitch.
** Knit another 90 (100:114:128:142) rubles. according to the pattern.
Switch to knitting needles No. 4.5.
Knit 13 rows with an elastic band.
Close the loops according to the drawing.
Knit like a back, up to **.
Knit another 20 (26:32:40:46) rows according to the pattern.
Next row (= purl row): cast off 5 sts, knit according to the pattern until the end of the row = 109(113: 117:121:125) sts.
Then in each row decrease 7 x 1 st from the inner edge = 102 (106:110:114:118) st.
Knit 33 rows according to the pattern.
Then in each row add 7 x 1 sts from the inner edge = 109 (113:117:121:125) sts.
Next row (= purl row): cast on 5 sts, knit according to the pattern until the end of the row = 114 (118: 122:126:130) sts.
Knit another 21 (25:33:39:47) p. (last row = knit row).
Switch to knitting needles No. 4.5. Knit 13 p. with an elastic band. Close the loops according to the drawing.
Using long circular needles No. 4 on the right side of the work, cast on and knit 104 (116:128:140:154) sts along the lower edge of the front and lower edge of the back = 208 (232:256:280:308) sts.
Make a mark with contrasting thread. Next, knit in circular rows with an elastic band: alternately knit 2, purl 2.
Continue working with the elastic until the height of the bottom bar is 10 (10:10:12:12) cm, ending at the mark.
Close the loops according to the drawing.
Sew shoulder seams.
Using short circular needles No. 4 on the right side of the work, cast on and knit 16 stitches along the left edge of the front neckline, 18 stitches in the middle of the front neckline, 16 stitches along the right edge of the front neckline, then 38 stitches along the edge of the back neckline = 88 stitches .
Knit 6 round rows with an elastic band in the same way as the bottom bar.
Close the loops according to the drawing.
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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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