Knitted pullover - kimono is knitted from mohair yarn across from sleeve to sleeve, in two parts - a back part and a front part.
Size: 44

You will need: 350 g blue Mondial Dolce Mohair yarn (60% royal mohair, 40% acrylic, 150 m/50 g), straight needles No. 5 and No. 6.
Knitting technique.
Elastic band 1x1: alternately knit 1, purl 1.
Elastic band 3x3: alternately knit 3, purl 3.
Double elastic band: Cast on half of the required stitches with a contrasting thread;
1st row: using a working thread, knit *1 knit, 1 yarn over*, repeat from * to *;
2nd row: *knit yarn over, remove 1 stitch as purl. without knitting, thread before work*, repeat from * to *;
3rd and last row: *knit 1, remove 1 st as purl, thread before work*, repeat from * to *; Unravel the contrasting thread in the finished part.
Basic pattern (even number of loops):
1st row: purl all;
2nd row: *k1, p1*, repeat from * to *;
3rd row: repeat rapport from the 1st row.
Braid to the left (width 9 points):
Rows 1, 3 and 5: k6, p1, k1, p1;
2nd and all even rows: knit according to the pattern;
7th row: cross 6 sts to the left (leave 3 sts on the auxiliary needle before work, k3 and knit loops from the auxiliary knitting needle), purl 1, knit 1, purl 1;
9th row: repeat rapport from the 3rd row.
Double braid (width 18 p.):
Rows 1, 3 and 5: p1, k1, p1, k12, p1, k1, p1;
2nd and all even rows: knit according to the pattern;
Row 7: P1, K1, P1, 6 sts, cross to the right (leave 3 sts on the auxiliary knitting needle while working, k3 and knit stitches from the auxiliary knitting needle), 6 sts. cross to the left, purl 1, knit 1, purl 1;
9th row: repeat rapport from the 3rd row.
Knitting density, main pattern: 16 p. and 20 r. = 10 x 10 cm.
Description of work
Back (knitted in one piece, starting from the left sleeve). On knitting needles No. 5, cast on 37 sts and knit 4 r. double elastic band and 10 rub. rubber band 3x3. Switch to needles No. 6 and knit as follows: k3, p1, k1, p1, 31 sts with the main pattern, while adding on the right every 4th row. 12 x 1 p., on the left in every 6th row. 13 x 1 p. In the 16th r. from the elastic, perform the first crossing of the braid to the left on the first 6 faces., next. for 1 purl; in 47th r. from the elastic band, perform the first crossing to the right onto the trail. behind them are 6 stitches to form a double braid (see diagram).

After 55 r. dial again at the beginning of the river. 1 x 40 sts and knit as follows: 3 sts with double rib, 22 sts with 1x1 rib, p1, k1, p1, k12. (later crossing them for a double braid), p1, k1, p1, k12. (lastly crossing them for a double braid), purl 1, knit 1, purl 1, and then until the end of the r. main pattern. Starting from 121st r. decrease on the left every 6th row. 13 x 1 st. After 67 cm from the elastic band, close the first 40 sts and then decrease on the right in every 4th row. 12 x 1 p. After 94 cm from the elastic band, switch to knitting needles No. 5, knit 10 r. elastic band 3x3 and 4 p. with a double elastic band and close all the loops with a knitted seam.
Before. Knit like a back, starting from the right sleeve, but starting from the 77th r. for the neckline, decrease to the left every 2nd r. 6 x 1 p., and starting from the 111th p. add to the left every 2nd row. 6 x 1 p.
Assembly. Connect the front and back parts by sewing the top and bottom seams of the sleeves and side seams. For the collar, use knitting needles No. 5 to cast on 39 sts and knit 3 sts with a double rib and 36 sts with a 1x1 rib. After 44 cm, close all loops. Sew the closed loops to the loops of the cast-on row, sewing the collar into a ring, and sew the collar to the neck so that the double elastic loops are on the outside.
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My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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