Warm dress with raglan sleeves
Let's welcome autumn in a cozy dress with a sporty silhouette and a warm collar!
Dimensions 38-40 and 44-46.
Dress length with collar 84 cm.
Data for sizes 44-46 are given in parentheses.
If only one value is specified, it applies to both sizes.
You will need: 600 (700) g of yarn type LINIE 20 CORA, melange gray color, number 235, needles No. 6-7 and circular needles No. 6-7, 60 cm long. (This model is knitted on thicker needles and weaker than indicated on the label).
Pattern for the strap: alternately 1 purl. p., 1 persons. P.
Main pattern:
Out. smooth surface: лиц. ряды вязать изн. п., изн. ряды — лиц. п.
Rubber: The number of loops is a multiple of 3.
1st r. (outside): knit purl
2nd row: * 1 person p., insert the knitting needle 1 row below and knit 1 p. knit., 1 knit. p., repeat from *.
Repeat 1st and 2nd rows.
Scythe: (by 6 p.)
1st r. (outside): knit purl
2nd row: leave 2 sts before work, k2. p., then knit loops with aux. knitting needles, knit 2. P.
3rd row: knit purl
4th row: 2 persons p., leave 2 p. for work, 2 persons. p., then knit loops with aux. knitting needles
Repeat from 1st to 4th row.
Special reductions I:
At the beginning of the row after chrome. p., 2 p. p., 3 p. with elastic band, 2 p. together.
At the end of the row, before the last 6 stitches, knit 2 stitches together purlwise, 3 stitches with an elastic band, 2 purlwise. n., chrome. P.
Special additions I:
At the beginning of the row after chrome. p., 2 p. p., 3 p. with an elastic band, add 1 p. from the transverse thread. cross.
At the end of the row, before the last 6 stitches, add 1 stitch from the cross thread. cross, 3 stitches with elastic band, 2 purl. n., chrome. P.
Special decreases and additions II:
At the beginning of the row after chrome. p., add 1 p. from the transverse thread. cross, then purl 2. p. and 3 p. with an elastic band, 2 p. together.
At the end of the row, before 3 sts of elastic, knit 2 sts together purl, 3 sts with elastic, 2 purl. p., add 1 p. from the transverse thread. cross., chrome. P.
Special reductions III:
At the beginning of the row after chrome. p., 6 p. braid pattern, purl 2. p., 3 p. with an elastic band, then 2 p. together.
At the end of the row, before the elastic, knit 2 sts together purl, 3 sts with an elastic band, 2 purl. p., 6 p. braid pattern, chrome. P.
Knitting density:
main pattern: 12 p. and 19 r. = 10 x 10 cm;
elastic bands: 15 p. and 19 r. = 10 x 10 cm;
braid pattern: 6 p. = 3 cm.
Back: Cast on 69 (77) sts, start from purl. R. and distribute the loops. way:
chrome p., 1 p. p., 1 persons. p., 3 p. with elastic band, * knit 1. p., 1 p. p., knit from * 10x (12x) times, k1. p., 3 p. with elastic band, knit 1. p., 1 p. p., 1 persons. p., 3 p. with elastic band, knit 1. p., 1 p. p., 1 persons. p., 3 p. with elastic band, ** knit. p., 1 p. p., knit from ** 10x (12x) times, k1. p., 3 p. with elastic band, knit 1. p., 1 p. n., chrome. P.
After 10 cm of the main pattern and elastic, continue knitting the trace. way: chrome. p., 2 p. p., 3 p. with elastic band, 21 (25) purl. p., 3 p. with elastic band, 1 p. p., 1 persons. p., 1 p. p., 3 p. with elastic band, 1 p. p., 1 persons. p., 1 p. p., 3 p. with elastic band, 21 (25) purl. p., 3 p. with elastic band, 2 p. n., chrome. P.
To fit, perform a special decrease I:
C обеих сторон в 8-м р. выполнить убавление 1 х, в каждом 6-м р. — 3 раза = 61 (69) п.
Perform special additions I:
On both sides add every 8th r. 4 x 1 p. = 69 (77) p.
After 38 (36) cm of total length on both sides, perform in every 2nd r. special decreases and increases II = 69 (77) p.
On both sides add 6 stitches as a braid.
To bevel the raglan after 44 (42) cm of the total length, make special decreases III:
1 x next row, then every 4th row. 4x (2x), in every 2nd r. 10x (16x).
After 64 cm of total length, set aside the remaining 39 stitches.
Before: Perform as a backrest.
Sleeves: Cast on 30 (36) sts and knit 10 cm with an elastic band.
Continue with the main pattern, while to bevel the sleeves on both sides, add every 6th r. 7 x (11x) 1 p., in every 4th r. 3x (0x) 1 p. = 50 (58) p.
The first 5 (6) added loops of the main pattern, the other 5 added loops are gradually performed on 3 elastic stitches and 2 purl stitches. P.
To bevel the raglan after 41 (39) cm of the total length, make special decreases I: 1 x in the next. r., then every 4th r. 4x (2x), in every 2nd r. 10x (16x).
After 61 cm of total length, set aside the remaining 20 stitches. [cut]
Assembling the dress parts: Carefully sew raglan seams.
Sew side seams and sleeve seams.
For the collar, lift the set aside 118 stitches of all parts onto circular knitting needles and knit stitches according to the pattern, with 8 edges. knit stitches together with the previous or subsequent loop. or purl, in accordance with the pattern, and in the middle of the sleeve knit 2 stitches together purl. = 108 p.
On the remaining 7 purl. knit 2 purl stitches in the middle of the sleeve. p., 3 p. with elastic band, 2 p. p., knit other loops according to the pattern.
After 20 cm of collar length, close all loops.
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My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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