Three simple but noticeable patterns complement each other perfectly in an elongated jacket with a turn-down collar. Due to the different knitting densities, loops should be added in the first row of diamonds. Instead of a clasp, we offer a tie belt made in garter stitch
Dimensions: 38/40 (44/46) 50/52

You will need: пряжа (100% шерсти; 80 м/50 г) — 1250 (1350) 1450 г ярко- красной; спицы № 4,5; круговые спицы
No. 4.5.

Pattern 1: лицевая гладь = лицевые ряды — лицевые петли, изнаночные ряды — изнаночные петли.
Pattern 2: изнаночная гладь = лицевые ряды — изнаночные петли, изнаночные ряды — лицевые петли.
Pattern 3: платочная вязка = лицевые и изнаночные ряды — лицевые петли.
Pattern 4: elastic A (the number of loops is a multiple of 4 + 2 edge): edge, alternately 2 stitches with pattern 3, 2 stitches with pattern 1, edge.
Pattern 5: elastic B (the number of loops is a multiple of 4 + 2 + 2 edge): edge, alternately 2 stitches with pattern 2, 2 stitches with pattern 3, 2 stitches with pattern 2, edgeband.
Pattern 6: pattern of knit and purl loops (the number of loops is a multiple of 8 + 2 edge loops). 1st r. = front row: knit all stitches.
2nd r. purl row: purl all stitches.
3rd row: Knit all stitches.
4th row: кромочная, 2 лицевые, * 4 изнаночные, 4 лицевые, от » постоянно повторять, 4 изнаночные, 2 лицевые, кромочная.
5th and 6th row: knit like the 3rd and 4th r.
7th r. Knit all stitches.
8th r. кромочная, 2 изнаночные, » 4 лицевые, 4 изнаночные, от * постоянно повторять, 4 лицевые, 2 изнаночные, кромочная.
9th and 10th days: knit like the 7th and 8th r. Perform 1 time 1-10th row, then
constantly repeat 3-10th r.
Pattern 7: pattern of diamonds (the number of loops is a multiple of 10 + 2 edge stitches) = knit according to. scheme. It shows only the facial rows; In the purl rows, knit loops according to the pattern.
Start with loops in front of the right arrow, constantly repeat the repeat of 10 sts between the arrows and end with loops after the left arrow.
Perform rows 1-18 once, then repeat rows 3-18.

Knitting density: узор 6 — 17,5 п. х
28,5 р. = 10 х 10 см; узор 7 — 22 п. х 24,5 р. = 10 х 10 см.

Back: cast on 98 (114) 130 sts on knitting needles and knit for the bottom bar
14 cm = 38 rub. pattern 4, starting with 1 front row.
Continue working with pattern 6.
After 27.5 cm = 78 rub. From the bottom bar, knit 2 p. pattern 1 and then continue working with pattern 7, while in the 1st row. evenly add 24 (28) 32 p. = 122 (142) 162 p.
After 20 cm = 50 rub. (17 cm = 42 rub.) 14 cm = 34 rub. from changing the pattern, close on both sides for armholes 1 x 10 p. = 102 (122) 142 p.
After 41.5 cm = 102 r. from changing the pattern, close on both sides for shoulder bevels 1 x 6 (8) 10 p. and in every 2nd p. close off 3 x 7 (9) 11 p.
Через 44,5 см = 110 р. от смены узора закрыть оставшиеся 48 (52) 56 п., из них средние 34 п. образуют горловину, внешние по 7 (9) 11 п. — плечи.

Left shelf: cast on the knitting needles 50 (58) 66 p. and for the bottom bar knit 14 cm = 38 r. pattern 4, starting with 1 front row.
Continue working with pattern 6.
After 27.5 cm = 78 rub. From the bottom bar, knit 2 r. pattern 1 and then continue working with pattern 7, while in the 1st row. evenly add 12 (14) 16 p. = 62 (72) 82 p.
After 20 cm = 50 rub. (17 cm = 42 rub.) 14 cm = 34 rub. from changing the pattern, close along the right edge for the armhole 1 x 10 p. = 52 (62) 72 p.
After 36.5 cm = 90 rub. from changing the pattern, close along the left edge for the neckline 1 x 10 p. and in every 2nd p. close 1 x 5 p., 1 x 2 p. and 1 x 1 p.
After 41.5 cm = 102 r. from changing the pattern, close along the right edge for the shoulder bevel 1 x 6 (8) 10 p. and in every 2nd r. close 4 x 7 (9) 11 p.
14 cm = 38 rub. pattern 4, starting with 1 front row.
Continue working with pattern 6. After 27.5 cm = 78 r. From the bottom bar, knit 2 r. pattern 1 and then continue working with pattern 7, while in the 1st row. evenly add 24 (28) 32 p. = 122 (142) 162 p.
After 20 cm = 50 rub. (17 cm = 42 rub.) 14 cm = 34 rub. from changing the pattern, close on both sides for armholes 1 x 10 p. = 102 (122) 142 p.
After 41.5 cm = 102 r. from changing the pattern, close on both sides for shoulder bevels 1 x 6 (8) 10 p. and in every 2nd p. close off 3 x 7 (9) 11 p.
Right shelf: knit in the same way as the left front, but in a mirror image.

Sleeves: cast on the knitting needles for each sleeve 50 (58) 66 p. and for the strap knit 20 cm = 52 r. pattern 4, starting with 1 front row.
Continue working with pattern 6.
For bevels, add on both sides in the next 9 (9) 7th row. 1 x 1 p., then in every 8th p. 3 x 1 p. and in every 6th r. 9 x 1 p. (in every 6th r. 13 x 1 p.) in every 6th r. 12 x 1 p. and in every 4th r. 2 x 1 p. acc. pattern = 76 (86) 96 p.
After 35 cm = 100 rub. close all loops from the bar.
Belt: On circular knitting needles, cast on 270 (290) 310 sts and knit 4 cm with pattern 3.
Close the loops.
Assembly: sew shoulder seams.
For the strap on circular knitting needles, cast on 142 stitches along the sides of the shelves and knit 5 rows. pattern 3.
Close the loops.
For the collar, use circular knitting needles to cast on 92 stitches along the edge of the neckline, including the ends of the strips, and knit 18 cm with pattern 5.
Close the loops.
Sew in the sleeves.
Sew side seams and sleeve seams.
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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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