Фиолетовое пальто платочной вязкой
Knitting, My works

Purple garter stitch coat

This coat stands out for its elegant simplicity. It is knitted with garter stitch, which is the starting point for learning knitting. The emphasis is on pockets that are quite practical, but at the same time decorative.

Автор модели Лилия Вигнан. Опубликовано на сайте

Size: 44-52

See fig. for product dimensions.

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It took 400g merino in 6 plies - 1600m/100g and yarn with mohair content 600g

Knitting needles No. 4.0mm

Knit the sample and, using the middle part of 10x10 cm, calculate the number of loops and rows in 1 cm of fabric.

Knitting density: 1.7 p x 2.6 r.

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Cast on 98 stitches. Knit 210 rows (80 cm) in garter stitch and move on to knitting the armholes.

To do this, increase every other row 8 times in the following order.

In total, add 15 loops on each side. There are 128 stitches on the needles.

Next, knit the fabric exactly to a height of 54 rows (21 cm). Close the loops.

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Cast on 48 stitches on the needles. Knit 210 rows (80cm) and move on to knitting the armhole.

After increasing 15 stitches, there should be 63 stitches on the knitting needles.

Knit another 38 rows and begin shaping the neckline.

Cast off the remaining 47 stitches.

 Sew the shoulder seams.

Connect the back and shelves with side seams, leaving 36cm slits.

Crochet the cuts with one row of sc and crab step. 

Tie the neckline and shelf strips as follows: 4 rows – RLS and

"crawfish step" 

Сначала обвязываем планки — 135 СБН.

Затем обрабатываем горловину, слегка припосаживая. По горловине спинки — 33СБН, по горловине переда — 21СБН.

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Tie the open sections of the sleeve with 60 sc.

Next in the circle we knit 60 rubles in garter stitch on 60 loops.

We tie a sc in one row, knitting every 6th and 7th sc together. Next we knit another 3p at 52sc and tie it with a “crawfish step”. 


And finally, let's start knitting карманов по размерам — 20см х 20 см.

Cast on 33 stitches on the needles. Knit 28r.

Crochet the pockets with one row of sc and crab step. Sew the pocket with a chain stitch using a crochet hook.

Decorative finishing

Ring braid:

1st row  — 6ВП, СС3Н в первую петлю цепочки, — вяжем необходимое количество колечек.

2nd row – 7 sc on each side of the ring, tie all the rings, turn in a circle and tie 7 sc on the opposite side of the ring.

3rd row – tying in a circle: SS, VP

Pockets – 7 rings

Side slits – 29 rings

Shoulder seams – 13 rings

Neck – 16 rings

Shelves – 37 rings

Back – 40 rings

Cuffs – 15 rings

Mohair fringe

Длина отрезков пряжи —  15см

Fold it in half and use a hook to decorate the pockets and shoulder sections.

Final stage: Sew hooks onto the shelf strip.

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1 Comment

  1. Elena

    simple and at the same time noble. I've been looking for something like this for a long time

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