Men's jacket with hood
A wonderful men's jacket with a hood, a fashionable gray color, suitable for a student for everyday life. The model is simple and easy to implement.
Patterned pullover for stylish men
Men's pullover, this pullover is knitted to the armholes in a single fabric, and the sleeves are tied along the armholes from the shoulders to the cuffs.
White pullover with embossed diamonds
White pullover with embossed diamonds
Pullover with jacquard stripes and braids
Pullover with jacquard stripes and braids
Men's pullover with diamond pattern
Мягкая кашемировая шерсть, идеальные пропорции и зигзагообразный структурный узор превратят пуловер благородного зеленого оттенка в любимую вещь.
Men's melange sweater
Yarn of two colors, joined together, creates a melange effect. In combination with plain sleeves, cuffs and collar, this solution looks very stylish!
Men's jacquard jacket
This men's model resembles the national Bavarian jacket - Janker. With the exception of a jacquard yoke with a “Norwegian” pattern.
Men's jacket with woven pattern
Изумительные арановые узоры — отличительная черта этого стильного жакета. Кстати, эта модель будет исключительно хорошо смотреться и в классических цветах, например, сером или синем.
Blue men's pullover with honeycomb pattern
Мужской троер с высоким воротником на застежке-молнии связан спицами узором из сот из шерсти альпаки.
Men's jacket with shawl collar
Мужской жакет на пуговицах, с шалевым воротником, карманами и узорами из «Кос»
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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