Джемпер с цветком
Каждый, кто посмотрит на этот джемпер, должен, считая лепестки, загадать желание. Оно обязательно сбудется! Не верите — проверьте!
Round Motif Suit
Every fashionista wants to have in her wardrobe a unique and exclusive outfit, created with her own hands and completely embodying a unique image.
Red dress with delightful motifs
The repetition of an expressive pattern in stripes creates a delightful pattern of the canvas. The color and addition in the form of a patterned yoke for an elegant completion of the image can already sound quite calm
Dress with large openwork crochet motif
The dress with a large openwork crocheted motif is crocheted on a napkin base.
In such an outfit, any figure will look incredibly interesting and slender.
Чepнo-бeлый пyлoвep c кaпюшoнoм
Чepнo-бeлый пyлoвep c кaпюшoнoм
Платье на круглой кокетке «Листопад»
Платье крючком — изысканная и неповторимая, стильная вязаная модель.
Летнее платье крючком — Морская пена
Blue like the sky, openwork like sea foam, elegant and beautiful summer dress!..
Платье крючком «Ромашка филейная»
Ah, daisies! Meadow flowers –
Golden-white dope...
Белая ажурная блузка Glacial
Белая ажурная блузка Glacial
Филейное платье «Мальва»
Fillet crochet is a very delicate and long-lasting work. However, products made using this technique are incredibly beautiful and elegant. Flowers look gorgeous in different colors.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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