Brown jacket with openwork stripes
The classic jacket is knitted using cotton yarn with a voluminous braid pattern. This model goes well with a variety of things and will become the basis of any wardrobe.
Airy tunic with wrap and belt
Воздушная туника с запахом и пояском отличный летний вариант. Не забудьте связать себе такую красивую тунику.
Openwork yellow dress
Лето — это солнце, море и пляж. Само совершенство: разнообразные узоры превосходно обыгрывают простой силуэт этого желтого ажурного летнего платья.
Crochet dress
The dress with straps is crocheted and assembled literally “brick by brick”: interconnected triangles turn into a spectacular mosaic canvas.
Knitted transformable dress
The transformable dress is crocheted in one piece.
Tunic "Sunflowers"
A sunny composition adorns a loose-fitting tunic; the hem is decorated with ready-made lace. This model, the embodiment of summer itself, will become a real decoration of every woman's wardrobe.
Платье крючком узором «ёлочка»
The elegant dress is knitted with a beautiful herringbone pattern.
Crochet costume from motifs
Элегантный и женственный вязаный крючком комплект вишневого цвета — это пуловер и узкая юбка.
Black openwork dress
The black openwork dress is made based on a napkin pattern.
Dress "Provence"
What's summer without a new dress? By carefully following the steps of this master class, you can easily knit yourself a fashionable and very beautiful dress with openwork stripes.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Свободный пулундер оверсайз
Свободный, стильный, теплый — пулундер оверсайз из шерсти мериноса просто
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