Пуловер с «Листьями» и «Косами»
This beautiful blue pullover is knitted using size 8 knitting needles using a combination of openwork “Leaves”, a pearl pattern and “Braids” from wool blend yarn.
Beautiful pullover in patchwork style
This interesting and warm pullover is made in a patchwork style in a beautiful combination of white, black and beige, and individual elements connected to each other in a charming combination not only attract attention, but also add mystery.
Pullover with openwork pattern
This lovely model made of silver-gray yarn confidently declares: there is never too much lace!
Mint openwork jumper
A large openwork pattern, a fresh mint color and an elongated cut help to hide imperfections and highlight the advantages of the figure.
Пуловер «Bay»
Этот хлопковый оверсайз пуловер из коллекции «MODE at Rowan — Collection Eight» вяжется отдельными деталями, затем сшивается. Горловина обвязывается по кругу после выполнения плечевых швов.
Стильный свитер воротник — качели
Are large collars back in fashion or not?
But if you follow fashion, then you know that today models with cape collars and large knee socks and collars are in fashion.
Pullover with embossed pattern and snood scarf
The warm beige tone of the pullover is always relevant for cool weather. Relief patterns offset diagonally give the product a special effect.
Woven pullover and scarf
То вдоль, то поперек, то в замысловатых узорах, то в четкой геометрии — и все это «косы»! Сегодня в трикотажной моде они демонстрируют новые возможности.
Blue pullover with openwork elastic band
This casual pullover is knitted with knitting needles alternating openwork elastic with regular elastic from 100% blue cotton.
Openwork pullover
It’s simply breathtaking when you look at a snow-white pullover with intricate openwork decor!
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Трехцветный цельновязаный пуловер с укороченными рукавами
Вязанный верху вниз классический пуловер соединяет темно-синий и белый цвет. Модель украшена серебристо-серыми нитками, напоминающими перышки.
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