Long jacket with belt
Three simple but noticeable patterns complement each other perfectly in an elongated jacket with a turn-down collar. Due to the different knitting densities, loops should be added in the first row of diamonds. Instead of a clasp, we offer a tie belt made in garter stitch
Jacket with decorative flaps
В основе модели — нитки секционного крашения в деликатных бежево-коричневых тонах. Полочки и спинка вяжутся крючком единой деталью до пройм, а затем по отдельности.
Iceberg Road Jacket
Вязаный жакет с кокеткой и узором «шишечки»
Jacket with jacquard yoke
Поклонникам элегантной классики — натуральные цвета и характерный орнамент из звездчатых мотивов. Впрочем, такой жакет в скандинавском стиле идеально дополнит любой модный гардероб.
Shawl "Haruni"
Knitted by hand, Haruni's shawl will become a unique and versatile accessory or a great gift, and will take a special place in every woman's wardrobe.
Pullover with small decorative motifs
Sometimes small decorative motifs against the background of the front surface are enough to give an ordinary pullover a new interpretation.
Pullover with golf collar and hat with lapel
A great pairing: a pullover with a golf collar and a hat in the same design make a lasting impression.
Sweater Colorblock oversized
Oversized, loose knit sweater with three-quarter sleeves, crafted using the intarsia technique.
Warm moss-colored sweater with large braids
A special treat for pattern lovers: the braids and cross-rib make the golf-neck sweater a real hit.
Stylish purple pullover with bumps.
Stylish purple pullover with bumps.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Pullover with braid pattern
Эффектный вид нашего пуловера обусловлен не только узором из «кос», как будто созданным в 3D формате, но и натуральной хлопковой пряжей, которая отлично проявляет себя в таких структурах. Плотная и относительно теплая — она отлично подходит для межсезонья.
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