Идеальное вязаное платье «Нежность в простоте»
The dress is a delight! Which you can admire for hours on end. It fits perfectly on any figure because the A-line silhouette is universal!
Lilac lace dress
Summer dress of a fitted silhouette, with a deep neckline and narrow sleeves, slightly flaring at the bottom, is knitted with a lace pattern, smoothly transitioning into wave-like structures at the top and on the sleeves, made of cotton with Kashmir wool.
Dress with round yoke
Short dress with a round, openwork yoke from Drops Design
Openwork dress
Knee-length, straight silhouette and narrow three-quarter sleeves: this spectacular dress attracts not only with its all-over zigzag pattern, but also with a luxurious neckline à la Carmen.
How to make a pattern using a fillet pattern. MK from Valentina Dyachenko.
How to make a pattern using a fillet pattern. MK from Valentina Dyachenko.
Tunic “Forget-me-nots”
Summer is very soon and it's time to knit openwork dresses and tunics. The sky blue color perfectly highlights the beauty of fillet lace.
Мастер Класс — Костюм из треугольных мотивов
If you are proficient in the art of crocheting, then it will not be difficult for you to make your own costume from motifs.
Master Class – Red dress made of delightful motifs
Any crocheted dress is original and beautiful. A woman in such a masterpiece will definitely stand out from the crowd.
Knitted dress from Вergere de France.
Knitted dress from Вergere de France.
Master Class – Costume made from round motifs
Every fashionista wants to have in her wardrobe a unique and exclusive outfit, created with her own hands and completely embodying a unique image.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Жакет Розалинда
Многим девушкам хочется чего-то изящного, женственного и элегантного. Вас тоже посещают эти мысли? Тогда свяжите спицами невероятно изысканный жакет с косами и ажурным узором Розалинда от студии Drops Design. Эта удивительная модель придаст вашему образу оригинальности.
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