Платье «Яркое лето»
Bright summer dress made of square motifs.
Вязаное платье крючком — Оранжевое лето
Вязаное платье крючком — Оранжевое лето -из круглых мотивов со схемами и пошаговым описанием. Мое любимое вязаное кружевное платье из итальянской вискозы.
Loin dress “Blue irises”
Fillet crochet is a very delicate and long-lasting work. However, products made using this technique are incredibly beautiful and elegant.
Crochet dress in royal lilac color
A purple dress is so versatile that it can be worn to a wedding, party or corporate event. It will stand out from classic black outfits.
Red fillet suit
Red fillet suit
Dress with Golden Flower motifs
An openwork dress is the pinnacle of crochet creativity. A craftswoman who has created an openwork dress at least once can consider herself a sorceress - the mistress of the crochet hook.
Openwork crochet dress “Green twigs”
One detail is enough for an unforgettable image. For example, dresses with a gorgeous mint green leaf pattern.
Платье крючком — Голубая лагуна
Платье крючком — Голубая лагуна — связано крючком в технике » квадрат «.Вяжется легко и быстро. Вязанное платье — актуальная тенденция сезона.
Striped dress "Oriental lily"
Each openwork dress is unique, each is an original creative work. No model can be copied down to the eyelet. Slightly changed color, adding or decreasing rows due to the characteristics of the figure, thinner (thicker) threads - and the dress is different
Crochet dress – “Blue leaves”
A dress that you will wear with desire and pleasure, walk in it every day and show off to everyone.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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У нежно-сиреневой модели с переплетением «кос» разной величины не только свободный, струящийся силуэт, но и роскошная пряжа, которая создает выразительный, неповторимый по красоте узор.
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