Crochet cardigan made of openwork motifs
A women's crocheted cardigan, very reminiscent of a bathrobe, despite the beauty of the pattern... However, why shouldn’t a robe be so luxurious, right? There is no limit to perfection…
Long jacket with zigzags and braids
Мериносовая шерсть — для стабильности, вискоза — для деликатного блеска: оба данных компонента придают изысканному жакету с зигзагами и косами стиль и класс.
Amazing jacket!
The femininity in this jacket is attractive and makes you wonder, why don’t I still have something like this?
Jacket with a hood
Катание на санках и лыжах, настоящая печь с дровами — зимние вылазки на природу доставят удовольствие всей семье. Подготовить удобную и теплую одежду — задача женщины.
Brioche cardigan
Brioche cardigan
Men's cardigan with aran pattern
Светло-серый цвет нити и затейливые араны: любой мужчина, которому достанется этот превосходный кардиган из чистошерстяной пряжи, — просто счастливчик!
Gray openwork cardigan
The openwork cardigan is crocheted with a beautiful floral pattern. This model will delight you all year round - after all, in the summer it can be cool and it will come in handy, and in winter weather you can combine it with a classic straight dress or shirt.
Warm cardigan with hood
Теплый кардиган с капюшоном спицами
Exquisite jacket
An incredibly thin and sophisticated jacket model evokes only admiring glances, like a real work of art and fashion.
Cardigan with mesh and fans
Cardigan with mesh and fans
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
Latest publications
Jumper with wide elastic band and openwork braids
The perfect fit and classic knit pattern make this style completely versatile - it will fit perfectly into any wardrobe.
Кардиган OYSTER
Кардиган Аида
Openwork pullover
Больше воздуха: этот пуловер требует определенного опыта вязания, но усилия того стоят – благодаря ажурной структуре и смесовой хлопковой пряже он получится изящным и невероятно легким.
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