Lace jacket
An elegant crocheted jacket for women remains a trendy piece of clothing. Ladies of all ages, of any build, wear such products, not only for warmth, but also for beauty.
Openwork crochet jacket with shawl collar
An openwork crochet jacket for women, made of wool yarn, will appeal to women and girls who prefer freedom and comfort in clothing. The jacket has short sleeves and a shawl collar.
Jacket with openwork borders
Эта модель цвета хаки очаровывает роскошными рукавами и волнистой ажурной каймой, подчеркивающей легкую асимметрию нижнего края.
Double-breasted coat with pockets
Двубортное пальто с карманами вязаное спицами. В дополнение к пальто — ультрамодная шапочка.
Red cardigan knitted and crocheted
The red cardigan is knitted using stockinette stitch and crocheted in a large fantasy pattern. The cardigan fastens with 3 buttons.
Long jacket with openwork pattern
Великолепный кардиган, украшенный нежным ажуром из ромбов, связан единым полотном.
Sweater Blanchard
Справится с такой моделью могут даже начинающие, поскольку выполняется он своеобразным миксом из простых узоров.
Melange jacket with an openwork pattern.
The highlight of this knitted heathered cardigan with metal clasps is the crochet pattern.
Blue cardigan
This shawl-neck cardigan features an unusual pattern of squares and cones. The model goes equally well with trousers and feminine dresses.
Jacket with fancy patterns
Воздушные узоры — легче паутинки отлично подойдут для вязания женского жакета крючком.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Jumper with wide elastic band and openwork braids
The perfect fit and classic knit pattern make this style completely versatile - it will fit perfectly into any wardrobe.
Кардиган OYSTER
Кардиган Аида
Openwork pullover
Больше воздуха: этот пуловер требует определенного опыта вязания, но усилия того стоят – благодаря ажурной структуре и смесовой хлопковой пряже он получится изящным и невероятно легким.
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