Beautiful crochet sweater
Beautiful crochet jacket made from a variety of motifs. The model is very original and stylish
Crochet blouse made from round motifs
Crochet blouse made from round motifs
Openwork jumper
The jumper is knitted from cotton. Its peculiarity is the floral and floral elements that decorate the triangular insert and sleeves of the product. The jumper itself is knitted with a very simple pattern. The binding of the hem and sleeves also looks very beautiful.
Original mohair pullover
An interesting model attracts attention thanks to the use of non-traditional yarn for this technique of sectional dyeing of mohair. Look how differently such yarn behaves when knitting and crocheting.
128 motives
A worthy book of motifs and patterns for those interested in Irish lace.
Amazing jacket!
The femininity in this jacket is attractive and makes you wonder, why don’t I still have something like this?
Openwork paisley
Индийский огурец, турецкий огурец, турецкий боб, персидский рассол, бута, пейсли — все это названия классического узора, известного нам с детства.
Exquisite jacket
An incredibly thin and sophisticated jacket model evokes only admiring glances, like a real work of art and fashion.
Crochet blouse
Crocheted blouse of an unusual charming style. This blouse model is designed for size 48/50 and is knitted from cotton yarn with lurex.
Chic coat with Irish motifs
You can truly look royal in a chic long coat crocheted in exquisite lace motifs.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
Latest publications
Pullover with a pattern of individual braids
Pullover with a pattern of individual braids
Теплый комплект: пуловер с круглой кокеткой и шапка с помпоном.
Комплект из пуловера с круглой кокеткой в разноцветную рельефную полоску и шапочки с таким же узором и помпоном не только внешне привлекателен, но и очень теплый благодаря пряже из натуральной шерсти и шерсти альпака
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