Elegant dress made of round motifs
Elegant dress made of round motifs.
A collection of interesting and original napkins. Part 2.
A collection of interesting and original napkins. Each project is accompanied by a detailed description, clear diagrams and patterns, which will certainly help you knit the model you like.
A collection of interesting and original napkins. Part 1.
A collection of interesting and original napkins.
Each project is accompanied by a detailed description, clear diagrams and patterns, which will certainly help you knit the model you like.
Granny square cardigan
Will you choose a fashionable mesh or
classic granny square,
the main thing is that the connected thing
was right for you.
Cardigan made of openwork squares
This warm cardigan consists of 114 squares connected according to the pattern. A simple model that even a beginner can handle
Stylish pullover with raglan sleeves
Яркий цвет, модный укороченный рукав, интересный узор — непременно стоит связать такой пуловер!
Hexagon Pullover
Пуловер ажурными мотивами из секционной пряжи «Цветочные фантазии»
Christmas bells. Part 1
If you have never crocheted bells for your Christmas tree, I suggest you crochet a few this year.
Платье «Парижанка»
Платья от дизайнера Vanessa Montoro невозможно отнести просто к разряду вязаных вещей, кружевные рисунки напоминают об изысканной старине, а современные материалы — нитки из шелка, вискозы, хлопка превращают одежду прошлых веков в модную тенденцию наших дней.
Turquoise floral dress
Incredibly beautiful flower circles in skillful hands turn into a chic dress. In the current summer season, this model looks unusually romantic and feminine.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Пуловер с узором из «шишечек».
The pullover with a straight silhouette has many interesting details that make it
very feminine model: using mixed yarn
rich dark fuchsia color, embossed pattern of “bumps”,
grape-inspired design, boat neckline and 7/8 sleeves
Интересный пуловер с шишечками цвета охры
Перед долгой прогулкой нужно как следует утеплиться! Для этого нет ничего лучше пряжи из отборной овечьей шерсти и альпака, которая так хороша в теплых терракотовых тонах.
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