Dress "Pineapple Square"
A knitted dress is associated with something refined, expensive, graceful and unusual. I suggest knitting a dress using the Pineapple pattern.
White lace cardigan
This beautiful, light and loose cardigan is made with a fairly ordinary pattern, so even not very experienced craftswomen will be able to knit this masterpiece.
Knitted cardigan with hood
Loose cardigan with button closure, large pockets and oversized hood.
Openwork cardigan with flounce
Этот кардиган существует не столько для тепла, сколько для красоты – воздушный и эффектный, он с легкостью заменит нарядную шаль.
Кардиган с шалевым воротником и «ромбами»
Спортивный мужской кардиган сплошь покрыт объемными ромбами. Планки для петель и пуговиц вяжутся вместе с полочками и переходят в небольшой шалевый воротник.
Stylish crochet coat
The unique development impresses with the simplicity of the individual parts from which the model is assembled, the excellent selection of colors, the thoughtfulness and effectiveness of the decor.
A selection of patterns for crocheting beautiful hearts. Part 2.
Interesting and beautiful options for knitted valentines. For those who are planning to make such knitted gifts for Valentine's Day, a selection of patterns will come in handy.
A selection of patterns for crocheting beautiful hearts. Part 1.
The approach of Valentine's Day awakens romantic notes in our souls, the desire to invent and make valentines.
Master class on knitting a voluminous heart
Using any knitting pattern, you can easily make a voluminous heart by connecting two identical parts, only they should not be too delicate.
Кардиган — Цветущие Сады
Декор кардигана — Цветущие Сады, созданный многоцветными круговыми мотивами, добавит в образ сочных красок и положительных эмоций.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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