Patchwork cardigan
Patchwork cardigan
Short pullover with decorative trims
Укороченный пуловер с диагональным узором в резинку и такими актуальными деталями, как широкий «пояс», небольшой воротник — стойка и декоративные планки по бокам
Wool pullover with embossed patterns.
An oversized pure wool pullover with a high collar fastened on the side with buttons is a universal model that will successfully add to your wardrobe and will remain in it for more than one season.
Pullover “Flower of Oblivion”
Pullover with braids, knitted from separate parts.
White openwork pullover
White openwork pullover, made of exquisite yarn with cashmere.
Jumper Teal Deal
Turquoise jumper from Vogue
Pullover with leaf pattern
It’s a sunny, cool day - and you’re ready to meet it in a very beautiful pullover with an interesting pattern of embossed leaves. Cloudy weather is not scary either - the warm color seems to warm you up.
Original cardigan
A beautiful openwork cardigan is knitted in different openwork patterns. The patterns are simple. Pay attention to the design of the product. The upper part is knitted crosswise in two parts. An original cardigan for cool weather.
Melon yellow jacket with a delicate textured pattern
Bright color, classic design and soft yarn - these are the components of your favorite jacket for any occasion.
Warm jacket “Tivoli”
The warm jacket is made with aran patterns, which increases its thickness.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Эффектный ажурный пуловер классического джинсового цвета вяжется по частям, узор за узором.
Выполненная крючком шляпа из толстой ленточной пряжи дополнит непринужденный образ и в то же время защитит от яркого солнца.
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Изысканные детали и изящные узоры способны превратить обычный вязаный пуловер в настоящее произведение искусства. Модель с присборенной кокеткой посередине, дополненной изящной перемычкой, и небольшим вырезом на груди подчеркивает зону декольте, добавляя образу женственности и элегантности.
Пуловер «Montmartre»
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