Openwork mini dress
An openwork short dress for a romantic summer evening.
Knitted openwork cardigan
A loose-fitting cardigan with an original combination of openwork and mesh patterns looks very gentle.
Lace cardigan
Soft and lightweight alpaca wool yarn is ideal for a cardigan with an openwork pattern and small slits along the side seams.
Short sleeve pullover
A short pullover with a lace yoke can be worn either on its own or over a long knitted jumper.
Spaghetti strap top, triangle scarf and boho bag
The through pattern in the form of large leaves is so good that we decided to decorate with it not only an open top with a frill, but also a triangular scarf, as well as a convenient bucket bag. All models are knitted from durable and environmentally friendly linen yarn.
White cotton pullover
The combination of traditional openwork patterns used to create this model will not leave any needlewoman or fashionista indifferent.
Silk cardigan with openwork patterns.
Офисная одежда – это не только строгий деловой стиль. Например, хорошая альтернатива офисному жакету – шелковый кардиган нежно-розового цвета с ажурной отделкой в романтическом духе
Knitted pullover with dropped armholes
Knitted pullover with dropped armholes
Short sleeve jacket and top with openwork pattern
A luxurious summer jacket with short raglan sleeves and a wide neckline, complete with a top, knitted with the finest openwork pattern from light cotton-viscose yarn.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Джемпер со связанным поперек верхом и шапка
Один и тот же узор из «кос» в этом джемпере, но расположенный то вдоль, то поперек, смотрится совершенно по-разному!
Вязаное пончо с объемными «косами»
Если у вас еще не было пончо, то самое время им обзавестись, ведь такая модель с крупными «косами» не останется без внимания. Несмотря на объем, пряжа из шерсти с полиамидом довольно легкая, и модное пончо оверсайз можно носить хоть каждый день.
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