Jacket Tree of Life
A jacket made from DROPS Flora and DROPS Kid-Silk yarns is knitted in an openwork pattern with cones.
Jacket with wide sleeves
The jacket with wide sleeves is knitted from white yarn of medium thickness. Wide sleeves give the model originality.
Beige cardigan with openwork ribbed pattern
This hip-length style is flattering and knitted from a soft-touch yarn. It consists of sheep wool, cotton and cashmere - an excellent basis for a uniform end-to-end pattern, framed by wide elastic strips. They are made with double thread to better hold their shape.
Women's wrap cardigan "JENNA"
This women's wrap cardigan with a shawl collar is perfect for any outfit.
Jumper White Moon
Джемпер с круглой ажурной кокеткой может быть связан из пряжи DROPS Merino Extra Fine или DROPS Cotton Merino. Размеры XS — XXL.
Cozy jumper with a beautiful pattern
Delicate all-knit pullover with a combination of “Braid” and “Bump” patterns made of cashmere yarn
Yellow pullover with openwork diamonds
This bright summer pullover is knitted in an all-over diamond pattern made from cotton and polyester in a sunny yellow color.
Charming pullover with cones
Красивый и нежный белый свитер спицами с использованием ажурных декоративных узоров. Эта модель потребует много труда и стараний так как связана тонкими нитками, но не оставит равнодушным к себе никого. Свитер очень тонок, гармоничен и красив.
Pullover with roses using intarsia technique
Роскошный пуловер с V-образным вырезом украшен спереди крупными розами, которые выполнены в технике интарсии.
Knitted jacket with jacquard inserts
An endless variety of shades of lilac in a new interpretation of the romantic style define the look of the new season.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Летний кардиган
Ажурный, короткий — как раз накинуть от морского бриза). Еще и цвет в исходной модели подобран идеально. Не менее органично будут смотреться пастельные оттенки голубого, лавандового, льняного.
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