Pullover with lace pattern and short sleeves
Featuring short sleeves and scattered bling, this pullover is perfect for semi-formal wear. The model is made of cashmere.
Men's pullover
Thanks to its milky shade, the pullover easily matches with clothes of any color.
Летний жакет — «Лёгкая небрежность»
Jacket with mesh pattern and braids
Pink pullover with openwork pattern
Pink pullover with openwork pattern
Open jacket and openwork top
An exquisite combination: the openwork is very successfully played out in this twin set. The pattern appears continuous when the top and jacket are worn together without a closure. Well, in the solo version, the top looks more restrained, since the openwork stripe on it runs only along the center of the front and back.
Openwork beige dress
What's summer without dresses? This knee-length dress is knitted in a mesh pattern with braids that part and then intertwine to form a diamond pattern to match the V-neckline.
Summer top with openwork pattern
Summer top in light green with an openwork pattern.
Openwork unusual top
The openwork pattern used in the model will not leave even a very spoiled fashionista indifferent.
Knitted summer loose pullover
Абсолютный хит наступающего лета! Да, этот пуловер лучится светом, словно солнце. Круглый вырез на спинке и край с эффектным узором из спущенных петель — все вместе выглядит настолько стильно, что невозможно отвести взгляд!
Openwork top in lavender color
This sophisticated beltless straight top with a wide boat neckline is entirely knitted in an intricate lace pattern in a cool summer yarn in a trendy lavender hue.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Уютный жилет согреет вас в прохладные дни, но не добавит объема, поскольку пряжа из шерсти альпака и хлопка в меру тонкая и легкая. Благодаря постоянной смене четырех цветов и еще большего количества узоров работа над такой моделью вам точно не наскучит.
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Свитер унисекс
Джемпер реглан AIDA
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